R Sissy Sex for the Ladies
To Ronald and Ralph’s dismay, their Mothers-In-Law intend them to show affection for each other as sweethearts – in front of a roomful of their women friends.
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 Sissy Sex for the Ladies                      by Prim


Mavis Charmley led her son-in-law into the sitting room, to a round of delighted applause from her guests. She was followed by her friend Anita Strickland, whose blushing son-in-law drew every bit as much approval from their audience of six women. “Here we are, girls, this is Ronald,” declared Mavis. “And this is Ralph,” added Anita. “They don’t know it yet, but they are going to be sweethearts for us this evening.”

“Wh-What!” choked Ralph Ellington. It was shock enough to his system to find himself swept into a room full of middle aged women, with him dressed as he was. But to discover what was being planned – with another male! “Mavis, you c-c-can’t be serious!” and he did his best to free his hand from her iron grip.

“Quiet!” ordered his mother-in-law, not letting go. “I said you will speak to me as Momsy, You had better apologise.”

The young husband bowed his head, feeling the glare of female eyes on him from all sides, and said: “Forgive me, Momsy. I – I was feeling – er – I was so shocked when I heard what Anita said. I d-d-don’t want to be a s-s-sweetheart.”

“You’ll do as you’re told my boy. Let’s be clear: everyone has come to see you two sissy-boys falling under each other’s girly charms.”

“Yes,” said the ladies, and “That’s right, honey.” Every guest was intensely focussed on the two sissies and how red they were becoming under their scrutiny.

“Come on, Ralph,” ordered Anita. “Stand in front of Ronald for us, so that your dresses sizzle together nicely.”

“Hold hands,” added Mavis. “BOTH hands. That’s better. Now draw Ralph into you, so that your faces are very close.”

The sissies had to do as they were told, with pumping hearts and burning cheeks. The women could see how their lips were trembling, out of control, and their dresses were looking so-o-o sweet, in crisp lemon nylon for Ronald and white silk chiffon with pink lace for Ralph.

“They’re both so embarrassed in front of us,” declared Mildred Jenson.

“They’re holding hands so sweetly,” said Muriel Downes. “I think they’re really attracted to each other.”

“Oh my gosh, they’re going to kiss,” gasped Rachael Dennison-Moore, and as the women watched, open-mouthed, the boys reached forward with their lips and engaged in the softest of romantic touches, then withdrawing, then touching lips to lips again. Their white silk gloves followed, caressing each other’s cheek, and it was only a few moments before they were holding each other in a breathless embrace, their dresses pressing together and their kisses becoming ever more intimate and affectionate.

“Open your lips, Ronald,” said Mavis. “Let Ralph lick your tongue. He wants to kiss you passionately.”

“Step closer, Ralph,” ordered Anita. “Squeeze your panties into your sweetheart’s dress, until you feel each other’s stiff cocks.”

The ladies giggled rather nervously. They had hoped for cock-to-cock pleasure in front of their eyes, but they hadn’t quite believed it, until now. And their dreams were amply rewarded in the middle of their little circle as the two sissy sons-in-law failed hopelessly to disguise the evident pleasure they were enjoying as they kissed in open-mouthed eagerness while their dresses danced and sizzled around them.


There are 220 Prim drawings to date in the Penelope Room and the Jessica-Jayne Room alone at www.primspetticoatwendyhouse.com and 710 Prim drawings in all.

Source: primspetticoatwendyhouse.com
Gallery Images by AbbySweetness
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Another great story  I bet there panties where full of creamies  by the time they where finished      
Sissy Poppy
What exquisite pleasure. Such a dilemma, pleading with their Mothers-in-law not to be dressed as such sweet sissies and yet failing to fight their insatiable urge to kiss and rub against each other. What ecstacy. 
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