How Prissy Are You Really?
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You Are a Bit Prissy

From time to time you can be a princess, but these days, who isn't a little high maintenance?

You know what you want, and you're definitely not afraid to ask for it.

(Just refrain from having a temper tantrum if you don't get your way!)

There's nothing wrong with having high standards... as long as they're occasionally low enough to allow spontaneity and fun!

Little girls are just giggles you can hug!

I want to be your Nanny! Now be good and do as I say...

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How Prissy Are You?

You Are Totally Prissy
People should call you princess - that is, if they don't already.
You like everything "just so" ...and you don't mind complaining if you're not getting what you want.You're freaked out by anything gross, dirty, or low class. You definitely need to be protected from the world.
And while people usually don't mind protecting you, you're prissy antics can get a bit annoying.
Another fun quiz from Skylark, yay <3

You know what you want, and you're definitely not afraid to ask for it.

(Just refrain from having a temper tantrum if you don't get your way!)

There's nothing wrong with having high standards... as long as they're occasionally low enough to allow spontaneity and fun!

I'll live with it <3


You like everything "just so" ...and you don't mind complaining if you're not getting what you want.

You're freaked out by anything gross, dirty, or low class. You definitely need to be protected from the world.

And while people usually don't mind protecting you, you're prissy antics can get a bit annoying.

I actually think that girl blowing bubblegum pic is super cute, its inspired me to get some strawberry watermelon hubba bubba and try to take a similar pic! LOL  
Little girls are just giggles you can hug!

I want to be your Nanny! Now be good and do as I say...

I have to agree with you, its a very cute picture/pose <3

You Are a Bit Prissy From time to time you can be a princess, but these days, who isn't a little high maintenance?
You know what you want, and you're definitely not afraid to ask for it.
(Just refrain from having a temper tantrum if you don't get your way!)
There's nothing wrong with having high standards... as long as they're occasionally low enough to allow spontaneity and fun!

Gee, I thought I was much more. Guess I'll have to try harder...

You Are a Bit Prissy

From time to time you can be a princess, but these days, who isn't a little high maintenance?

You know what you want, and you're definitely not afraid to ask for it.

(Just refrain from having a temper tantrum if you don't get your way!)

There's nothing wrong with having high standards... as long as they're occasionally low enough to allow spontaneity and fun!


From time to time you can be a princess, but these days, I find myself blowing more than bubbles , giggles . How prissy are you ??? My wittle sweetie pie,s
May the Fun never END . giggles , Summer,s Hot How About You ,

You Are a Bit Prissy

From time to time you can be a princess, but these days, who isn't a little high maintenance?

You know what you want, and you're definitely not afraid to ask for it.

(Just refrain from having a temper tantrum if you don't get your way!)

There's nothing wrong with having high standards... as long as they're occasionally low enough to allow spontaneity and fun!

I guess I am only a little bit.... :-(
How Prissy Are You?

You Are a Bit Prissy
From time to time you can be a princess, but these days, who isn't a little high maintenance?
You know what you want, and you're definitely not afraid to ask for it.(Just refrain from having a temper tantrum if you don't get your way!)
There's nothing wrong with having high standards... as long as they're occasionally low enough to allow spontaneity and fun!

sissy carrilee
huggs and kisses
sissy carrilee
I am totally prissy on week days. but I do go backcountry mountain bike riding a lot on the weekends.You Are Totally Prissy People should call you princess - that is, if they don't already.
You like everything "just so" ...and you don't mind complaining if you're not getting what you want.
You're freaked out by anything gross, dirty, or low class. You definitely need to be protected from the world.
And while people usually don't mind protecting you, you're prissy antics can get a bit annoying.
I knew it! Yay!

You like everything "just so" ...and you don't mind complaining if you're not getting what you want.

You're freaked out by anything gross, dirty, or low class. You definitely need to be protected from the world.

And while people usually don't mind protecting you, you're prissy antics can get a bit annoying.

How">">How Prissy Are You?
Treat me like your lady....make me feel like your woman.
You Are Totally Prissy

People should call you princess - that is, if they don't already.
You like everything "just so" ...and you don't mind complaining if you're not getting what you want.
You're freaked out by anything gross, dirty, or low class. You definitely need to be protected from the world.
And while people usually don't mind protecting you, you're prissy antics can get a bit annoying.
How Prissy Are You?

You Are a Bit Prissy
From time to time you can be a princess, but these days, who isn't a little high maintenance?
You know what you want, and you're definitely not afraid to ask for it.(Just refrain from having a temper tantrum if you don't get your way!)
There's nothing wrong with having high standards... as long as they're occasionally low enough to allow spontaneity and fun!
Love & kisses
You Are a Bit Prissy
From time to time you can be a princess, but these days, who isn't a little high maintenance?
You know what you want, and you're definitely not afraid to ask for it.
(Just refrain from having a temper tantrum if you don't get your way!)
There's nothing wrong with having high standards... as long as they're occasionally low enough to allow spontaneity and fun!
How Prissy Are You?

You Are Totally Prissy

People should call you princess - that is, if they don't already.
You like everything "just so" ...and you don't mind complaining if you're not getting what you want.You're freaked out by anything gross, dirty, or low class. You definitely need to be protected from the world.
And while people usually don't mind protecting you, you're prissy antics can get a bit annoying.

I'm just a bit prissy I guess, but I'm gonna work on it!!!

But, FYI, I Blow much bigger bubbles than that girl!

You like everything "just so" ...and you don't mind complaining if you're not getting what you want.

You're freaked out by anything gross, dirty, or low class. You definitely need to be protected from the world.

And while people usually don't mind protecting you, you're prissy antics can get a bit annoying.

How Prissy Are You?
sissy sabrina

You Are Totally Prissy

People should call you princess - that is, if they don't already.

You like everything "just so" ...and you don't mind complaining if you're not getting what you want.

You're freaked out by anything gross, dirty, or low class. You definitely need to be protected from the world.

And while people usually don't mind protecting you, you're prissy antics can get a bit annoying.
Femme Boy

You have an easygoing approach to living. It doesn't take a lot to make you happy.

And when life requires it, you're ready to get your hand a little dirty.

There's no problem you're too prissy to tackle!

Out of the fire into the night a handful of brave men appeared, Crimson thunder running through their veins a bond that will last forever - HammerFall - Unchained
You Are a Bit Prissy

From time to time you can be a princess, but these days, who isn't a little high maintenance?
You know what you want, and you're definitely not afraid to ask for it.
(Just refrain from having a temper tantrum if you don't get your way!)
There's nothing wrong with having high standards... as long as they're occasionally low enough to allow spontaneity and fun!

How Prissy Are You?
You Are Totally Prissy People should call you princess - that is, if they don't already.
You like everything "just so" ...and you don't mind complaining if you're not getting what you want.
You're freaked out by anything gross, dirty, or low class. You definitely need to be protected from the world.
And while people usually don't mind protecting you, you're prissy antics can get a bit annoying.
You Are a Bit Prissy

...But since you are a Hippie Princess, that's ok.

You manage to play in the mud without getting dirty, help your mom with the dishes without getting wet. Who says you can't have it all?

You know what you want, and you are not afraid to weedle it out of someone. If you put on those puppy-dog eyes, you'll probably get double.

There's nothing wrong with having high standards as long as you also don't mind wearing the livingroom curtains to prom. Take some time to smell and pick the roses because that boy who's dating you probably got you monster truck rally tickets instead.
You Are Not Prissy
You're the furthest thing from a princess - and you probably stay far away from any princess types you know.
You have an easygoing approach to living. It doesn't take a lot to make you happy.
And when life requires it, you're ready to get your hand a little dirty.
There's no problem you're too prissy to tackle!
sakura rini

People should call you princess - that is, if they don't already.
You like everything "just so" ...and you don't mind complaining if you're not getting what you want.
You're freaked out by anything gross, dirty, or low class. You definitely need to be protected from the world.
And while people usually don't mind protecting you, you're prissy antics can get a bit annoying.
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