PG PETA (; Happy Thanksgiving :)
includes intimate acts with a bird
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Well, I spent a lot of time thinking yesterday while I was up to my wrists  lubricated with alive oil in a large bird's privates massaging in spices.  I was being very domestic :) .

So first let me just say a very nice and special Happy Thanksgiving to all on SissyKiss (or at least those who are members of PETA* like me).  ( Note to Santa:  Could I plz have a pretty pinafore apron for Christmas?  I really really need one.)

I know I can be a b___h at times.  *giggle*  Maybe it's hormones?  No, it's me.  The good (if any) and the other one.  Both of us hope everybody is happy, replete, and not feeling guilty about the weight we'll probably put on during the holiday season.

Holiday hint:  Put on some fresh overnite diapers before you start working in the kitchen so you can get a lot done before you need a change.

oh, *People for Eating Tasty Animals .  I also baked three pies :)
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