All R New Series 7th House
7th House is a sercret organization designed to aquire strange and wonderful things
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Here is a new idea I have been tossing around in my head let me know what you think.
Starring BabyButch

If you want to be a staff member let me know or if you want to be the subject even better most of these will have something to do with a strange item of magic stuff like that. Remember to let me know what you are requesting either "7th House" or "Meeting Doppler" 
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Baby Butch
This is very well thought out and written as a serious situation. I appreciate the honer of being the first subject. Is that how Baby Butch was created. All that chemical exosure and I forgot,

I did notice I became incontinent so the diapers will have to stay on after recovery. Lucky I just ordered some for at home.

Maybe that is where my feminine side came from. The chemicals made me female. After I heal am I going to be a staff member? Thanks Doppler

BTW - I don't have internet security on my computer and was not sure wheather to leave, but I did not. I am not a member of the site so I commented here.

 This is very well thought out and written as a serious situation. I appreciate the honer of being the first subject. Is that how Baby Butch was created. All that chemical exosure and I forgot,

I did notice I became incontinent so the diapers will have to stay on after recovery. Lucky I just ordered some for at home.

Maybe that is where my feminine side came from. The chemicals made me female. After I heal am I going to be a staff member? Thanks Doppler

BTW - I don't have internet security on my computer and was not sure wheather to leave, but I did not. I am not a member of the site so I commented here.  

no worries im going to start using photo bucket as i have hit my limit on pix princess and imagefap is a sketchy site because of viruses
Nice caption. I recognize the image on the right, but where did you find the other? Is there a set?

 Nice caption. I recognize the image on the right, but where did you find the other? Is there a set?  

these are the only 2 i have ever found and i got them from a site called but the site closed down a few years ago
This is an interesting concept. I'd like to see more.
Oh, an Asylum! Lovely! I can't wait to find out more about it! It looks like a great Idea!
"If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of
the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets
better and better as the years roll on."
~ Steve Jobs

"If I were the rain that bind together the earth and sky, who in all eternity
will never mingle, would I be able to bind the hearts of people together?"
~ Inoue Orihime (Bleach)
"We all make choices, but in the end our choices make us."
~ Andrew Ryan (Bioshock)
Oooh this was fun I'd wikes to be a subjecty pwease!
Baby Butch
If you need more disc space on Pix Princess, just ask the Webmissy for more. This reminds me of a site called The Institute I saw online. More updates pwease!
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