R Miley Cyrus - BB Talk
A discussion about Miley Cyrus' music video
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What do people think about Miley Cyrus' music video BB Talk?

I can't determine how intentional they were being with the whole Miley in a diaper thing, or if they were just doing more "Crazy Miley" stuff. 
Source: youtube.com
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~*Christie Luv*~
 I think Miley might be an AB. She's also done many concerts in little girl outfits! She makes such a cute AB girl! I'd love it if she came on Sissy Kiss to have some fun! *giggles* That's probably not going to happen, because she may not want the media to make a big deal about it if she was an AB.
Baby Butch
Thanks I enjoyed the video and have been seeing pics from it on the internet. Miley must be an adult baby since there are other pics of her in diapers not related to that video. It seems very babyish at certain times and Miley is usually a bit strange. I would like to see her here too!
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