PG We're Migrating to Even Better Servers
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Hey Sissy Darlings! I wanted to let you all know Sissy Kiss is migrating to new & more advanced servers in a few days. We're flying way up on a big fluffy cloud! From a VPS server to a cloud server with the most modern technology.

After we migrate there will be a message at the top of Sissy Kiss to let you know that we moved and you only need to wait for your computer's DNS cache to update to see the site on the new server. It shouldn't take more than a couple days and it may be sooner, depending on your PC setup.

While the sign saying we moved is visible anything that's posted will disappear after you can see the site on the new server. So please keep that in mind if you post anything, and the sign will also let you know. You'll know you're seeing the site on the new server when the sign disappears.

If you'd like to speed up the process while it's happening you can by flushing your computer's DNS cache.

How to Flush Your DNS Cache on Windows

How to Flush Your DNS Cache on a Mac

Yes, Sissy Kiss has so many images that we couldn't do this completely seamlessly lol. For different reasons with the inner code the site would have broken images if we synced databases and images between servers.

So, I had to go with the migration option that's a little more bumpy, but cutieness may proceed after it's all done!

We're moving from GoDaddy to Digital Ocean. GoDaddy servers are not as modern and Centos server software that we were using is ending, and this was the best thing to do. The website will be faster after the move is completely done, and everyone's browser cache's have updated to the new server. Having the latest cloud technology is also great for the longevity of the site.

If you have any questions as we're moving you can send me a message on Sissy Kiss's contact page *here*.

It's okay if you run into any icky bugs & glitches. It happens with this sort of thing. Feel free to contact me if you find any. I always have complete backups, and I'll be working to fix any that we find. 
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Widdle Wendy
This is wonderful news! If we've posted stories, will those stories migrate to the new server?
~*Christie Luv*~
@ Widdle Wendy
  Yes! Stories are the easiest to migrate and absolutely everything will be brought over to the new server. =)
Baby Butch
This sounds great in the long run although problems will be expected. Hope everything works out wonderfully. LOL Lots of Love not laughing out loud like google claims it means. *hugs*
~*Christie Luv*~
@ Baby Butch
  Yes, I'm being very careful & checking all the data, and to make sure it all transfers okay. I won't do it until I'm totally sure! 😊
 Appreciate all that you do!!
Yay, I can see the site again! I haven't touched PHP code in almost 20 years - you have my sympathies, lol.
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