The ladyboys of Pattaya, Thailand.
Oh my gosh I am SO going there!
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Does anyone else on this forum know about Pattaya?
It's a town about 150 miles south of Bangkok* which isn't much to look at and is probably the least attractive place in all of Thailand but it is filled with neon-lit go-go bars and women, men and every gender in between looking to be your "temporary girlfriend" - or boyfriend.

What makes Pattaya special is that it's much, much cheaper than the affluent Cities of Thailand. "Short-time" (look it up) with a go-go girl in Bangkok will cost you in the region of 3000baht (100 baht = £2) but in Pattaya it's less than 1000baht. Prices are even lower in normal "beer bars", go-go bars are generally the expensive option.

I should add as a disclaimer that most of them are prostitutes but there are also a large number who won't expect anything more from you than to be treated to meals, drinks and a few treats.

This website has lots of information about Pattaya:

You have to be careful about the risk of STD's (always, always, always use condoms) and you should also consult your doctor before visiting Thailand to get vaccinations but so long as you don't go with "freelancers" and stick with the most reputable bars such as Ezy Bar the risk is relatively low.

I will be heading for Pattaya sometime in early 2011 on a budget of around £3000 which will cover all my expenses for a 3 week trip and it will be enough money that if I want to I can get banged in the rear by really hot she-males twice a day, every day! I can be sure that I will run out of stamina before I run out of cash so long as I don't go crazy.

There are all kinds of ladyboys, some are post-op, some have boobs, some don't, some look and sound so exactly like real women that you've got to be an expert to spot the difference unless you see what's between her legs! I've read that there are a few ladyboys in Pattaya with 9-inchers!

And yes in case you aren't sure, most (if not all) can and will penetrate you and keep going until you're completely exhausted.

She's got a what??!!

*tourist note: Bangkok is actually named Krung Thep Mahanakhon.
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Wow, I've never heard of this place before, but it does sound very interesting. Of course the main thing to be careful of would be STDs, as you said, but besides that it does sound like a very great place to visit, if you can afford it.

Very good find! ^_^
Yah, it's not cheap compared to a normal vacation close to home but if you can get a cheap flight (it's possible to get a return flight from the UK for under £500) there are cheap, clean and comfortable hotels in Pattaya (under £15 per night for a single person) and the food is very cheap so once you get there it's a cheap vacation.

The only thing you have to watch out for is the water which is loaded with nasty bacteria that will make you ill (the Thai have the same problem with water in Europe because they have no immunity to "our" bacteria) so it's bottled/pre-boiled water only. Oh, and the restaurants should never be trusted because their standard of hygiene is extremely bad; food from stalls is safer. There's a ton of information about it on explaining all the precautions you need to take.
HIV prevalence amongst sex workers is like 40% over there, hooking up in Thailand is really playing with fire in my opinion.

 HIV prevalence amongst sex workers is like 40% over there, hooking up in Thailand is really playing with fire in my opinion.  

It's definitely not 40%, I believe the figure is around 10 - 15% and about 1.5% as a total for the whole population of Thailand. I think the 40% figure is specifically the number of prostitutes from the north of Thailand who suffer from HIV.

The majority of prostitutes in Pattaya come from the north but some of the better bars and clubs insist on their girls having monthly check-ups so the risks in those places are not much different from hooking up with a girl at a nightclub in the USA or UK for a one-night stand.

I definitely wouldn't claim it is safe but the risks - if you take all precautions - are greatly reduced.

The highest risk is from the freelancers and "beach girls" who have a much higher prevalence of STD's, although perhaps I should really say that the biggest risk is from the men who have unprotected sex with them and cause the problem in the first place.
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