PG 13 i'm such a naughty BUNNY!
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 To live out my secret sexual fantasy for at least this one dizzy Halloween night of nocturnal lust. The corset is a "charmed" device and once trussed in the laces can be drawn to the absolute teeniest waistline imaginable resulting into a perfect hourglass shape. Any hope of escape will be dashed by the pair of excruciating arched ballet pumps that keeps me helplessly on my tippy-toes. i mean in what other profession does one get to wear such a sexy tightly corseted uniform with matching bunny ears and fluffy cottontail? My very first mission is to beCUM sexy eyecandy, the kind that’s makes all the male cocks in the room rise to the full upright position, for i’m nothing but a sexual plaything for their amusement. So, i step out from my closet "dressed" as a...

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