PG Fund Me Campaigns...
Odd idea I got from looking at silly fund me campaigns...
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 So I'm browsing internet memes after browsing the internet for sissy furniture etc and daydreaming about turning my bedroom into a little girls room... when I once again run across news of yet another ridiculous fundme campaign which, wouldn't ya know it, regardless of how silly it is, still makes money. It was then I had an interesting idea... what if I made a fund me campaign titled "Sissify My Life" all funds go towards Katie's Forced Sissification. LOL! Imagine waking up the day after making a campaign like that and finding out you made way more money than you know what to do with and are obligated to spend it all on sissy clothes, furniture, hormones etc, and having to post pictures to a sissy gallery to prove that's what the money is being used for XD "For every $10 I'll post a sissy pic to prove I'm being Sissified."
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Would you fund a sissy campaign like this? LOL
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Eh... maybe?
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