PG friend requests?
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im having a little trouble...

there is a friend request pending in my sissy space but i cannot accept,
also when i try send a request the option opens 50% off the page so i can only select cancel.

my screen resolution is set to max

any help please x
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4 posts
These lovely people support all the features in Sissy Kiss to contribute to our community! So it would help so much if you could check them out, and say your from Sissy Kiss. Some even give discounts, or free gifts by mentioning it!
Add your message here..
Baby Butch

I can tell you the Invitation is from me. You should see Invitations at the top of the page after you log in. Click on it to approve or disapprove invitations.


You may need assistance from the webmissy if it shows up wrong. Be sure your Zoom is not set too high. To invite someone click on their Avatar. 


Click on Contact at the bottom of the Menu to ask for help from the webmissy.

~*Christie Luv*~
Hi Little Chloe! I tried these things in different browsers however I couldn't get the problem you are having. The zoom check Baby Butch suggested was a good idea. Check your browser's settings for a zoom option, and make sure it's set to 100%, the default setting.

This may be only happening on the the kind of browser, or computer you are using. Can you let me know what kind of computer you are using? (Windows XP, Windows Vista, Mac, Linux, etc.) and what kind of browser you are using (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.) I may be able to replicate the problem that way, and see what's going on.
little Chloe

Thankyou both, all sorted now :)

i didnt realise that needed to go to entrance, always tried in sissy space page,
(i dont log in, bookmarks instantly do it for me)

im running Windows 8 and Firefox brouser
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