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May 23rd, 2017 ~ 10:18 am
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PG 13 me is confoozeled
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i need eberyones advice pwease. Nanny says i ben such a goods sissy baby girly that she is getting me a custome made doll suit and mask and tolds me to order it. its not ones i make and i neber wore a full zentai body suit before so im kinnah scard is i will like it, how comfortable will it be/. i knows it will feel wike my skin cuz the lady there lice L says so and that I will look just like a doll. does eberyone think Im just a scardy cat and should hurry up and get it, specially cus Nanny says ifs i dont do it right away she will add an extra week of fltime wearing it for ebery hours I delay... EEKs Nanny said i ben such a goods baby girly thats I can haves a new dollymask and a zentai suot. me neber have a zentai suit or a mask from someone else, soz im kinna scared ifs i will wike it and how it will fell and eberything,
 Dollie Sissy..... M.M.PRODUCTIONS
Source: Dollies nursery
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~*Christie Luv*~
 *giggles* There's nothing to be scared about sweetie! ^-^ If you love how it looks, and you love dollie suits so much, it may be worth it to try out how it feels so you'll know if you'd like others. It's totally up to you hun! xℴxℴ
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