R Clifford is Babied by his Stepmother and Stepsisters
When Clifford’s father realises his mistake in marrying a strict wife with two daughters, he disappears, leaving his son to take the full force of their revenge.
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 Clifford Is Babied by his Stepmother and Stepsisters    by Prim


Harold Grey didn't take long to find a new wife: not perfectly attractive to look at, but so captivating and irresistible. She had two lovely daughters in their twenties too, to keep his son Clifford company at home while he was away.


And he was away for good just a month after the wedding, after he'd had time to see what a disastrous life he had vowed himself into. Hyacinth was a Medusa, hell-bent on humiliating her foolish husband all she could, and Lily and Daisy took after their mother in a hundred sneaky little ways. He got out, as Hyacinth discovered when she found his closets were empty.


"He's fucking gone," she cried, "almost slamming the kitchen door off its hinges, "and taken the Model S with him."


"Oh the rat!" snarled Lily.


"How am I going to get to the salon for my appointment?" cried Daisy.


They were livid, but they all caught each other's eye and turned to Clifford, who blanched.


"But we've got you," said his stepmother, brightening. "We'll have to make sure we keep a tight hold on you, won't we, girls?"


"We can sissify him as our little house-doll," said Lily.


"I'm onto it," cried Daisy, swiping her phone through sissy retail outlets. "Oh look, mother - if we dressed him like this he could never go out of the house again."


"He won't be going anywhere if he's locked inside a playpen," was Hyacinth's reply.


"A baby! Oh yes! Let's keep him in diapers and plastic baby pants," giggled Lily.


Daisy was adding petticoats and dresses to her basket like mad. "You can get feeding bibs with Baby's name on," she cried. "What shall we call the baby, mother?"


Clifford realised only later that he might need to get out of his own home while he still had a chance. But no. For the time being he was put into the girls' baby doll nighties and panties and fastened onto a chair where they videoed him and laughed at him as he wept tears of shame. "Please give me my clothes back," he wheedled, struggling to release a wrist or an ankle. "This is so shameful, you're making me cry!"


"Oh, diddums - diddums," soothed Lily. "Daisy, make sure you're getting him infant pacifiers to stop his begging and moaning."


"And order some mustard paste to put inside his diapers," growled Hyacinth. "This is one baby who's going to regret his new life from morning til night."




The Wendyhouse at www.primspetticoatwendyhouse.com/feminization.htm is all about femmy babyfication.

Source: primspetticoatwendyhouse.com
Gallery Images by AbbySweetness
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Josie Dolly
I love this story 
Baby Butch
 Another great short story Prim.
A lovely story I would not mind being him apart from the mustard in the nappy lol 
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