PG 13 Birthday Update
How my Birthday Challenge since Last Year has gone
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Hey Lovelies! So I wanted to give a little update on a challenge I gave myself last year. For my birthday last year, I decided to commit myself to wearing a diaper every night amd using it before I left my bed. Over the year I have began to wake up and need to wet and even wet myself while asleep! And about 5 months in, I started to listen to some htpnosis tracks as well to help this along but also to help make me have to mess myself during the night and eventually mess myself during my sleep. I've been maintaining a specific diet so my messes are more mushy and come out easier and with that, the hypno and a some lacatives awhile ago, I finally did mess myself while asleep! So since then I have woken up to either a wet nappy and about a third of the time now, a pretty messy one. My birthday is coming up and I think I'll be continuing it past my birthday but wanted to let all you know. This community has encouraged me to follow this life that I love very much and I cannot thank you all enough!

Goodnight Everyone, Joan
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this sissy little girl is verry happy to here about your progrss to permanent diaper wearing, dear 
Baby Puss
Very good! If you are achieving your goal, and happy, that’s what counts. 
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