R Ambushed by Women
Jonathan and Clive are sent into town in their dresses by their stepmothers, who expect them to be waylaid by curious women – and to disgrace themselves.
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 200 - Ambushed by Women                              by Prim


“Jonathan! Stand here alongside Clive and hold him by the hand.” His stepmother Suzie would brook no nonsense, so Jonathan did as he was told. Her friend Clementine, Clive’s stepmother, made sure their dresses were fully shaped around them, their hair was well plumped and their hair-ribbons were plucked into high shapes. The sissies met up with their high standards of humiliation so they were ready to be dispatched into public.

“S-S-Stepmother,” pleaded Jonathan, already blushing before he’d stepped outside the front door, “people will laugh at us if they see us in our dresses.”

“M-My dress is too short!” moaned Clive as he tried in vain to stretch the hem lower. “Girls will see my panties!”

“Oh don’t be ridiculous! You’re going to the supermarket and that’s final,” declared Clementine as she wrapped his gag round his mouth and secured it behind his neck, while her friend buckled her stepson into his leather gag. “I don’t want to see you again until you bring home my shopping.”

“And if girls speak to you on the way,” added Suzie,” make damn sure you nod politely. And curtsey! Now hold hands the whole way there and back.”

The door closed decisively behind them and the two teenagers looked at each other with miserable faces, clenched their hands together, and set off, stepping as quickly as they could in their stepmothers’ heels.

The breeze fanned their stockings and lifted their petticoats, their cocks stiffened as they saw girls and women looking in disbelief from across the street, but finally, when they were in the main square, it was obvious, to their dismay, that two women were going to come up to them to take a closer look. They were wearing strawberry coloured dresses and must have been about forty.

“Hello dears,” said one of them. “You look so cute in your frilled dresses.”

“You must be sissies, both of you,” said the other.

Clive and Jonathan let go of each other’s hands so that they could hold out their dresses and execute a profound curtsey.

“Oh how SWEET!” cried one of the women, smiling to her companion. “I think the two of them are very polite and very feminine.”

“They certainly look submissive, what with their mouths tightly gagged,” said the other.

Jonathan and Clive blushed a deep shade of crimson and looked at the ladies’ shoes, except that they immediately became aware of the approach of two other women, maybe ten years younger. They had to hold their dresses again and drop a curtsey with delicate respect.

“I wonder,” asked one of the newcomers, “if YOU have chosen to come shopping in your dresses, or if your Mommies chose your dresses for you?”

Her friend wore a grin of ironic amusement as if they were intent on playing with Clive and Jonathan as if they were a pair of dolls. “Well you can tell your Mommies that you look ever so cute in your frilly dresses. I like the way your hair is done too: so girly.”

The boys cringed with shame and tried turning away from the women, but the only way they could do this was to turn inwards to face each other so that their dresses crushed together. In fact the natural defence for them was to fall into each other’s arms. They hugged and started to sob with muffled hums.

“Ahhhh!” soothed the women, grinning to each other. “Isn’t that sweet.”

“Two girls cuddling each other for comfort. Don’t they look lovely.”

“Ah look, they’re crying,” and the boys’ dresses rustled with frou-frou as they nestled closer to try and escape from the shame of their ordeal.

“No. No they’re pumping,” cried her friend. “They’re sliding their panties together, the little sluts.” The women watched open-mouthed, no longer seeking to comfort or even embarrass the sissies. Instead they sneered in contempt as Jonathan and Clive let the humiliation of their situation swell over them. They converted it into the intimacy of loving cock-sliding, which rapidly turned into an orgasm of extreme pleasure.

“I wish we knew their mothers,” said one of the women with contempt written all over her face. “We should be reporting these two for such a wanton display of sexless perversion on the high street. They should have their asses spanked.”


There are 700 Prim pics and stories like this at www.primspetticoatwendyhouse.com/feminization.htm

Source: primspetticoatwendyhouse.com
Gallery Images by AbbySweetness
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