PG it is not always pretty
In this picture Dollie is preparing for the next days shoot. , . She asked us at Dollies nursery to photograph her like this so everyone knows with some effort we can all be a fashion doll
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it is not always pretty - In this picture Dollie is preparing for the next days shoot. , . She asked us at Dollies nursery to photograph her like this so everyone knows with some effort we can all be a fashion doll, xcurlers in your hair,night cream,false eye lashes,makup,foundations,hair style,nail salon,beauty parlor,Dollie sissy, Other Body Modifications,Slow Change,Feminization,Quick Change,Medium Change,Dolled Up,Pop Culture,Spankings,Sissy Fashion,Technological Transformation
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The people at Dollies sissy baby nursery want to thank you for your kind comments and appreciations for our images. Dollie spends hours and days in preparations for the shoots in the beauty salons just to get her "natural beauty" lol
Source: Dollies sissy baby nursery salon and spa
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~*Christie Luv*~
 Dollie is still beautiful too! ♡♡♡♡ I love it sweetie! ♡゚(◠-◠๑)゚♡
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