R Pink Balloon
I made several different theme cappies for Pink Balloon. Happy biirthday early!
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Pink Balloon - I made several different theme cappies for Pink Balloon. Happy biirthday early!, Pink Balloons,Disney Princess,Diapergirl, Adult Babies,Feminization,Humiliation,Diaper Lovers Pink Balloon - I made several different theme cappies for Pink Balloon. Happy biirthday early!, Pink Balloons,Disney Princess,Diapergirl, Adult Babies,Feminization,Humiliation,Diaper Lovers
Pink Balloon - I made several different theme cappies for Pink Balloon. Happy biirthday early!, Pink Balloons,Disney Princess,Diapergirl, Adult Babies,Feminization,Humiliation,Diaper Lovers
Pink Balloon - I made several different theme cappies for Pink Balloon. Happy biirthday early!, Pink Balloons,Disney Princess,Diapergirl, Adult Babies,Feminization,Humiliation,Diaper Lovers
Pink Balloon - I made several different theme cappies for Pink Balloon. Happy biirthday early!, Pink Balloons,Disney Princess,Diapergirl, Adult Babies,Feminization,Humiliation,Diaper Lovers
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*Disney Princesses*
Gallery Images by Baby Butch
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Pink Balloon
Eeeep! Thay're all so wonderful and adorible! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

So then, now to say something about each in order.

 Cinderella: A dream come true just like the lovely blue princess, I hope a lovely princess will come along, I'll gladly dance with her and become her baby. *giggle*

Outside: Why am I not right now? Time to go have some fun! Hopefully the grass will play nice with my balloons, or I'll have some harsh words for it!

Plushy: I am a sissy of many weaknesses, and yes plushies are a large one! I have so many cute and cuddly friends, and I love, love, LOVE them all.

Rapunzel: Ah Rapulzel, Rapunzel, what can I say? She's just a lovely character, and I'd love to be her. *giggle*

Walk: What do I really say? That would be a wonderful walk, so many bouncy squeaky balloons, and pretty Cinderella training panties, such a wonderful thought. *sigh*

Like I've said before, I can't thank you enough, thank you so very much for all the lovely captions, keep on being awesome. *giggle*
Baby Butch
@ Pink Balloon
 Greetings Pink Balloon! I spent a lot of extra time and effort on these. I see by your comment it was worth every bit of if. You're welcome Pink Balloon, I was happy to make them for you!
I like them all,,, and I really like the blue gown,,,, it mind me of Halloween in 1992 in FLA at a street party in new Smyrna beach FLA
HI,,,, I am shamrock & I am a male ,,,,  I wear diapers and i love to be bandaged up from head to toe by student female nurses and student female nurses can diaper me up like a baby girl too,,,, and maybe the student female nurses can put plaster casts on my legs and arms or a body cast from neck to toe , THANK YOU ALL    
Baby Butch
@ shamrock
Must of been a good party Shamrock. I used to go to New Smyrna beach as a teenager and young adult. Had a great overnight beach party one time. Glad you like them all.
Ya i love princesses. cute cinderella nappies
Baby Butch
@ jessybaby
 You, me, and many others love those including Pink Balloon. I will work on something for you next. : )
Baby Butch
What happened to my threads? The images are screwed up!
Baby Butch
@ Baby Butch
  Wow! I see the threads have been fixed. : )
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