PG Dollie through the looking glass
Dollie jumps through the looking glass and can never escape
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Source: Dollies sissy baby nursery
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 Hiya Dollie! Oh, that is just amazing sweetie. I always love your videos but really like the whole fairy tale edge to this one. Who wouldn't want to walk through that door and be trapped in Dollie's world forever. You look absolutely adorable, just as you always do. Can't wait to see what you do next - perhaps a trip to the land of Oz....
     Big hugs!
@ kay3070
  thank you vewry muches kay kay. I made the next video yesterday and had plannd to post it today buuuuuuut my dumb ol new computer (less then 3 months old had a uefi issue and has to go back to HP for repairs.It really put a twist n my knickers too cuz it was a goodie. The good news is I can remake it and do a couple things I thought of after I made that one. Please stay tuned for "Dolly Pops"
 Dollie Sissy..... M.M.PRODUCTIONS
Baby Butch
I enjoyed seeing this the other day and forgot to comment. I like the theme of this video and it is very cute. Keep up the good work! 

      Must be magic to do that.
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