R Tammy Is a Baby Girl
June Carter and her mother Doreen know how to make her husband an obedient baby girl – by seeing to it that he enjoys his baby pleasure.
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 258 – Tammy Is a Baby Girl            by Prim


“Open wide Tammy. Drinky-Pinkies for Baby.” June Carter held her husband on one arm across her lap so that she could insert the teat of his new drinking bottle into his mouth. He had to accept this shocking humiliation: June’s mother was there, glaring at him in his dress and bonnet, and it was she who had persuaded her daughter – pretty easily – that what her useless husband needed was baby-girl conditioning.

“Tip the bottle higher, dear,” said Doreen Parker, supervising. “You want him drinking the whole bottle in one go. He’s got to get used to drinking and breathing at the same time, like babies do.”

Her words cut into Thomas’s pride, attacking his idea of how manly he could be if only they gave him another chance. But repeated failure in the bedroom was any husband’s worst fear, and the woman he had married was fed up with it.

“That’s better, Tammy my darling. Let Momsy and me hear you sucking and guggling. Oh that’s very good, isn’t it, Momsy?”

Doreen snorted a “Hmph!” Thomas Carter had never been her favourite person, and now that she had him where she wanted him, she wasn’t going to give him any loose rope. This hormonal drink should bring him to heel nicely in a matter of weeks, coupled of course with intensive baby dressing. “He has to drink the second bottle straight after the first,” she declared. “Then we’ll fasten him into his high chair. I’ve got Celia and Amanda coming round to see how we’re dealing with him from eleven o’clock. They’ll want to change his diaper and put him into a new dress.”

“Mmmm! Choke! suck – suck.” Gurgled the babyfied husband as he heard these words, and his mittens clamped onto June’s arms as if to interrupt her feeding of him. But he knew better than to struggle. He didn’t want more of that tawse from Doreen, or another day strapped down into his crib.

“Oh stop moaning, you sissy!” complained his Mother-In-Law, who was feeding her hand inside one leg of his frilled silk baby bloomers and through the elastic of his plastic pants. His diaper was still dry, but stiffly pointed in front. “I know you find pleasure in being dressed up as our baby, and I can tell you now that you will like it more and more as the days go by. So give up this stupid pretence of wanting to be a male husband again. All your male clothes have gone to charity, and your closet is full of dresses and petticoats.” She fondled the bulge in his diaper. “And if you’re always a good baby, your wife and I will make sure you have lovely days and nights in your baby things.”

He drank more obediently, watched Doreen as she kept her eyes on his. Her hand was so expert inside his baby panties. The pleasure was so intense, and soon she was giving him the most blissful climax he had ever enjoyed. He hoped that would be a regular feature of his new life as June and Doreen’s baby girl.


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Source: primspetticoatwendyhouse.com
Gallery Images by AbbySweetness
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A lucky sissy baby. I wish it was me  
  Me too Samantha. I'd love to wear that full skirt and those deep baby bloomers.
Baby Butch
Love the forced babyhood to being a baby girl story. The image is lovely!
@ Baby Butch
  Thank you Baby Butch. They're making him such a girlish baby. x
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