PG The Origins Of My story Telling
A Biography of how and why I started doing Sissy stories
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The Origins Of My story Telling


Way, way back before I ever begun writing stories, I used to write down titles for story ideas, just the titles, though some had a few lines of ideas to them. But mostly it was all story titles alone, too many for me to be able to remember, other than I do remember there being quite a lot of them at the time. The problem back in my youth, was that I had way too many story ideas and I simply could not settle on any one story at the time.


My actual very first attempt of trying to do a story, was when I was 13 years old, if I remember correctly, I could have been 15 or 16. Sorry, it simply has been so long now, I honestly cannot say for certain what age that I was when I did it. I do know that I did not do what I did any sooner or later than the age of 16 and I am fairly certain, as certain as I can be that it was roughly about the age of 13 when I had this idea to do a story book with images in it.

Because back then, I liked doing drawings, not very good ones, but nothing too bad either. At best my drawing skill was decent enough and that is being totally honest. Anyway, I went out and managed to buy myself a pad that had both lined paper in it and blank paper, much to my delight and surprise to actually be able to find and actually buy such a pad.

I honestly thought I would have to buy two separate pads, one for drawing on and one for writing on. I honestly do not know if those kind of pads exist today, I would be surprised if any are still being sold and used today.


I started to do a story entitled The Girl In The Attic, it was about a boy, same age of me, if I recall correctly, who finds an old mirror in the attic of his parents house, much to the boy’s surprise who’s name was Timothy, my once used to be male name, the one that I was given at birth, which I absolutely dislike, utterly and completely.

So why did I use my own name? I honestly could not think of another boy’s name at the time and I wanted in part my own characters to sort of be representations of me, as much as I hated my given birth name, it was one that I was stuck with for 21 years of my natural life, but I did not change it right away to the name of Amy Sadler, the one that you all love and know.


It may surprise some of you, apart from those that have known me the longest here at Sissykiss, but when the day came for me to take the leap to dress and live like a woman full time. Because even back then at the age of 21, I did not know anything at all about living a Sissy Baby Life full time. I only had a vague idea of what a Sissy was and I had honestly never had even heard the term Adult Baby, I need to point out here for those of you not in the know. I was born in 1969, on the 26th of February.


So yes, I literally grew up before the Internet was even invented and most of the big computers had green screens and floppy disc drives, home computers did eventually come along, but they were nothing like what we have today in todays modern society. I lived in the times of Vinyl Records and Tape Cassettes, Hi-Fi Stereos (Stacker Decks) with Dolby Noise Reduction, twin cassette tape players and manual graphic band equalisers, with a turn table on top if you got lucky to get a complete all in one stacker deck system.


Anyway, I did about 3 pages of actual drawings and only 6 pages of actual written text and that was about it, as best as I am able to remember. For which I apologise for, quite a lot has happened to me over the years, I am still able to remember some of my past, but not as much as I once used to be able to do so. But it’s not all completely gone. I’m not that old, yet. *LOL* Also I have suffered from many things that are personal and very private, things, which I do not talk about to anyone.


Yes it is sad, but such is life. On the upside of things, I have learned a lot, more than I could have ever thought or even believed to even remotely be possible. I never thought that I would end up doing music albums, let alone writing a whole range of Sissy Fiction Stories, back then, I had no idea that my stories were even that. Sissy Fiction, I mean. Yet clearly I had male characters ending up in some sort of very feminine clothing and I honestly did not question why I wrote stories in that way. But I am getting ahead of myself.


Those kind of stories came about at a  much later stage in my life. After my very first attempt at doing a story failed, though it was too much to ask for, never mind attempt to do, a story with art.

I simply had given up in doing any kind of story altogether and like I said, I had the problem of having way too many story titles at the time for me to be able to settle down and do even one of any of those story titles and sadly no. I can’t remember them all. Which is just as well, I think if I had kept some of them, they may have gotten in the way of my other ideas for stories that did come later on.


So, what did I end up doing next? I hear you ask. Well, I’m glad that you asked me that. *LOL* Roughly, about the beginning of 1991, I had hit upon the idea for a Science Fiction Based Story, that would and did involve a guy being dressed up in female clothes in it, he even got turned into an actual woman, this story was entitled: Flightpath.

It was about a guy by the name of James Stephens, which was a name that I was oddly obsessed about and the name of Sheila Stephens to, which was the name that James chose from when he got turned into a woman by aliens, which were in the form of Giant Mosquitos. Yeah, I know, it was a crazy idea, but I can’t and won’t take credit for that particular idea. The Giant Mosquitos that is, red ones at that.


That idea came about from a book I once used to have and own, a very long time ago, then it ended up getting lost, but many years back I got lucky and found a hard back cover of the paper back version, though the cover for the hardback is completely different form its paperback release, but there have been several paperback cover versions of this story, which is called: Return To Mars, by Captain W.E. Johns.



Return To Mars (Paper Back Cover Version)


Return To Mars (Hard Back Cover Version)

Return To Mars apparently is a sequel novel to a book entitled: Kings Of Space, so why have just the sequel and not the prequel book? I honestly do not know, mostly for nostalgia for the most part, because it was that exact book, the paper back cover really that inspired my idea in the first place, but I could not get a copy of that particular paper back book, so I had to settle for the Hard Back cover instead. The book helps to remind me where my true origins of story writing come from.


I do not count The Girl In The Attic story, simply because it was not only unfinished, but it also had become a lost story, though somewhere back in my mind, I could remember pieces of it still, to which later on I would actually go on to write a story entitled. The Girl In The Mirror, based on that unfinished story concept.

For now, getting back to my Flightpath story. Well as of the time of wanting to write it, I wanted to write it originally on A4 lined paper, but there was several A5 writing pads for sale at a cut price, it’s only because of that alone was why I ended up buying the three for one offer on the A5 Writing pads.



A5 Writing PadS


I had this idea of this guy as I said called James Stephens and it was the name of Sheila Stephens that I had actually changed my name to at the time I started to dress and live like a woman full time. Anyway,, the character of James, was a man at my current age back then, which I forget now, but if you can work back from my current age of 53 as of this current year back to 1991, then you will come up with whatever age that I was in 1991.


He lived in truck trailer style like home, but he soon had gotten weary of his travelling days and he wanted to buy a piece of land in which to build his very own house on. Luckily with his trip from America to England, of which he comes across and finds oddly for sale, a disused airstrip/runway with it's original control tower too, all intact, up for sale.

It was quite the find and for James, it as quite a novelty to for him to buy and own an actual airstrip, to which one night he hears a low flying plain, but it sounds to be in trouble, he has not as yet had the chance to build his house, but has his trailer home parked on the far end of the actual airstrip itself, he sees the plane descending down over the opposite end of the airstrip, to which he runs along, only to find that it oddly seems to be getting longer and longer as he tries to reach the end of what appears to be a never ending stretch of an airstrip.


He passes out only to wake up being surrounded by people who live on a farm, that farm is now where the airstrip used to be, it was the exact same land, but how it used to be, before it ever got turned into an airstrip. At first, James seems to think and believe that he has gone back in time. That is not so, he’s not even on earth, which he finds out much to his shock later on, he was told the truth by the humans that were helping him at the time, that he was on an alien spaceship controlled by red giant mosquitos, ones with a very odd kind of intelligence, as for the design of their mother ship that they were on, was almost bug shaped like and that they have oddly named it Flightpath-1.




I honestly do not know how or why the reason for the mothership's name, other than it probably being the mosquitos warped sense of humour. The section of the mothership that the humans were in, was a world module, designed to look like the Earth, but of course it does not physically rotate, but it has the illusion that the world is spinning. The design concept is odd for sure, it’s one I will never to this day ever forget and what you see is as close to what the mothership looked like in my story, which somehow went on to become a Trilogy, and then within 5 weeks, I kid you not, I did a world record, I wrote another set of two trilogies spanning after the first one, what I would like to call a Tri-Trilogy a total of 9 stories.


Sometime after being transformed into a woman, sort of, that was a disguise, James had in fact been transformed into a female mosquito but with all of his knowledge in tact, why? It was a form of torture if you will to make sure that he would never forget of what he once used to be.

But by making him one of them, gave him or more to the point her now as Sheila, an added edge and together with the help of the human slaves, they manage to kill the queen mosquito and destroy Flightpath-1, believing that to be the end to everything, but the queen had more than one body, apparently and she had upon her orders a second Flightpath mother ship made, exactly the same as Flightpath-1 only with it being called Flightpath-2.

I think now that you can see where I was going with this? Basically every time the queen mosquito got killed and her mothership destroyed another queen would replace her and build yet another Flightpath mothership and yes that story got real predictable and boring, real fast, to be perfectly honest, doing what was essentially the same story 9 times, just in 9 different ways.

Though for the most part the other 8 stories felt more like just a re worked version of story 1 with only some minor changes throughout the entire 8 stories. What was I thinking? I wish I knew, but at that point I was simply just happy having done 8 stories, which I no longer count by the way, you will all be glad to know.


I had at a later stage realised that I had completely messed things up in terms of doing stories and I vowed that I would never do a story ever again. As far as I was concerned, I had failed at doing stories altogether. Only by honest true chance that I met the one person that would end up become my life long best friend and roommate. His name is Paul Barker, we both met on a Youth Training Scheme (YTS) here in the UK.

These schemes were set up to help school leavers and older to learn different trades/jobs, by going to work in places like nurseries for child care etc. there was even a place for people to learn secretarial skills, that’s the one I had attended, mostly because it was nearly for the most part woman’s work, but there was surprisingly a few guys at the training centre too. 


Paul had befriended me and we started to learn that we both had a few common interests, for one, he liked Doctor Who, just as much as I did and another thing, he liked writing stories and he had done a few himself, in fact he gave to me a copy of story that he wrote and made himself, using sound effects, an audio adventure much in the style of doctor who, it was like listening radio play, I don’t know how he had done it back then. But I was really impressed and I just remember to myself, thinking. ‘Gosh, if only I could do stories like that one that I had just heard’ I was in a sense quite envious of Paul, yes I know, envy is not a good thing.


Anyway I had told him about my story that I had done and why I had stopped doing stories altogether, I really believed that I had failed at doing stories. So to my surprise, one day. Paul showed up at the flat that I was living at and he gave to me a 6 page story draft, it had no title, it was a prologue that he had started and for some reason, he could not finish it off and he for some reason thought of me, because of what I told him about my failure of being able to do stories, as I remembered him telling me that he felt that I could possibly do something with the 6 page prologue that he could not turn into a story in any way and most of all, he told me that he believed in me.


Nobody had ever told me that before, so I took a look at the 6 page prologue and Paul had written it in such a way, using words I had never heard of or even ever used before in a story. So I immediately thought to myself. ‘There’s no way I can turn this six page prologue into a full fledged story. But those words that Paul had spoken to me simply rang out in my mind.

‘I believe in you.’ Such faith, such confidence, I felt that I had to do the story somehow, it would be a way for me to show my gratitude and honour both to Paul as well as a way of a thank you for giving me the 6 page prologue. I had thanked him already, but that felt like it simply was not enough to me.


I wish I could put it into better words, other than a part of me deep down inside really wanted to do that prologue justice and indeed the rest of the story justice and somehow from completely nowhere at all, as I started to write in my very own hand writing, this time on A4 lined writing paper, both sides, as I had done so with my Flightpath Tri-Trilogy set of stories.

I wrote and had completed the story that Paul could not finish off. Which I ended up calling that story: DawnWake. I could not believe that not only had I managed to do the story, but somehow I had been also been able to do the whole thing in exactly the same style as Paul’s original 6 page prologue.


His words were rather very fancy, that’s the best way I can describe it for you, I honestly do not know how else to describe it. Trust me, if I could, I would describe it exactly if I knew how to do so and I was so happy and proud with what I had done, that I got inspired to write other stories in a similar style, but eventually trying to do every single story that way became increasingly hard to do. So I decided that it was high time that I came up with a style of my very own, as my previous stories while they were written by me, the style was more like Paul’s own style of writing and I did start to feel that my stories were not quite my own, if you know what I mean?


Things did get off to a rocky start, doing my own style, but as I stuck to it and worked on it over time, I became much better at it and for it, my actual use of English got better. Would it surprise you all to know that I am actually learning disabled? I was told by an expert that had come to see me and my mother, and I remember him telling me that I had backwards learning, meaning I was behind mentally than to that of my physical age, which was 7 at the time. 100% all true, though it was never really mentioned how far back mentally my mind actually was.


Not that fact actually matters anymore, as I have truly come a long way in story telling. But my stories grew to such an extent, that I had to keep them not only protected, I needed also a way to keep them all together somehow. So I began to buy for myself punched pockets, along with lever arch folders. To the point I had many of these, two in pink, if I can recall correctly. I had managed to achieve doing a grand total of 200+ stories, I kid you not, all on A4 lined paper.


Suffice as to say, I went through a whole lot of ink pens, writing pads, punch pockets and lever arch folders.



A4 Writing Pad



Black Ink Pens



Punch Pockets



Lever Arch Folder


By the time I had actually gotten my very first Desk top Tower PC, I begun to start doing stories on my computer using word docs and I have been using them ever since to tell my stories with and that is how I became a writer and started to type out the rest of my other stories. I hoped that you liked and enjoyed this short Biography into how I had started writing and why.


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Baby Puss
Very interesting SissyBabyPet. Nice job putting it all together, and laying it all down. I always believed I had a good imagination for stories myself, but not the patience to set anything down. I just never could stand the idea, of sitting there, getting it all down. 
@ Baby Puss

  Thank you for the comment, I really appreciate it. Not to worry Baby Puss, not everyone can write a story, it really does require a lot of creative thinking etc. We all can't be writers, music composers, 3D modellers, we are all unique and that is what I like and love about life, it is good to be an individual and as such, where we may lack one or more skill sets, in our own way, we more than make up for those things in other ways.


*Hugs* SissyBabyPet
Pink Princess Natalie
This was inspiring to read, thank you so much for sharing! 
@ Pink Princess Natalie

  Thank you,  much appreciated and you are most welcome. I am glad and happy to know that this was an inpiring read for you.

*Hugs* SissyBabyPet
Baby Butch
The tablet sounds perfect for both writing and drawing. I too grew up and graduated from high school before they had personal computers. I had the old 8 track tape player and eventually albums and turntable. To this day I still feel my turntable had the best live sound.

Very interesting Blog SissyBabyPet. I did not realize you knew Paul for such a long time. I know he is presently your roommate and has been for years. I can see from your Blog where your interest in science fiction came from.

So far I have not branched out to science fiction in my stories. Almost all of them are adult baby, sissybaby, and diaper lover stories with a female domination theme. I use many family members in the stories.

You have blossomed into one of the best Author's I have ever known. For 10 years or more I have been reading your stories. I have never been disappointed by them. Wonderful Blog, keep up the great story writing and keep those images coming.

Love and Hugs,
Baby Butch : )
@ Baby Butch

  Aww, what a wonderful reply. Thank you from the very bottom of my heart and soul, it made me smile, lots. I have a HI-FI Stereo stacker deck system, one I found and bought from Ebay, it has twin tape cassette players, both work, twin CD players that work too, Dolby Noise Reduction and a 10 band manual grahic equalizer to boot. The whole system is in excellent condition, all it's missing is a turn table top record player, I have some records too and lots of tape cassettes.

I totally agree with you about the sound quality, it was the absolute best in those days. I don't use a tablet Baby Butch, like my blog says I use a Desk Top Tower PC, not the same one, mind you. I have unfortunately been through a few that never lasted all that long, I sure hope the one that I currently have will last a whole lot longer, as it has 8 cores and a 2GB Graphics Card and it cost quite a fair amount of money too. But I do believe that I have gotten my money's worth, I'm going to include a picture of it here in my blog for you and everyone else too, to see. I hope that you like it?


*Hugs* SissyBabyPet
 Bonus Feature

This is my current PC, that I found on E-Bay, it is a custom build and here's what it has on it.

My New PC

PC Specs


The computer cost me a lot of money and it is well worth for what I paid for.


*Hugs* SissyBabyPet

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