All XXX Naughty Lindsey
A story of a girl who gets turned on by a used diaper. NOT FOR FEINT OF HEART
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WARNING: This story is not meant for the feint of heart. Do not read if you are easily offended/disgusted.

This story is completely fictional no names or events have ever happened.
This is my first time writing a story.
If anyone likes it please let me know. Im a terrible writer. So hopefully its not to hard to read. If you guys are interested in letting it continue please let me know.

Chapter 1

Lindsey was walking in the park on this sunny Saturday morning. Normally she would be sitting at home on her day off watching tv and playing on the internet. But she decided that today she was going to get out and have a nice long walk. Lindsey was 22 a very cute girl. 5'4 slim, brown hair. Shes what you would call a knock out. All the guys wanted to be with her. But after the recent break up of her long time boyfriend John. She felt she wanted to take a break from boys for awhile. While on her walk in the crowded park she spotted something on the ground in the distance. She thought maybe it was someones purse and was going to return it. Before someone else got a hold of it.

When she finally got closer she realized what it was. It was a used pink pull-up. While she walked past it she thought to her self "God, disgusting. There's a trashcan 2 feet away". As she got closer she glanced down and got a good look at it. It was a pink Cinderella pullup. That was obviously used. She started walking past it. But something hit her. she got this intense feeling. She never felt like this before. Not taking any notice to it, she was about 30 feet away. She just couldn't stop thinking about it. She stopped walking and looked at the trees. thinking to herself " why am I so aroused.. Was it that diaper! No.." She took two steps. Then turned around and started heading towards the dirty diaper. She was shaking uncontrollably. "I cant do this, I just can't. What is wrong with me!" she thought. But her body wouldn't stop walking. Her emotions and now wet pussy was controlling her.

She was now 3 feet from the dirty diaper. Lindsey started looking around making sure no one will see her. She bent down and picked up the dirty diaper. She started to open her purse when the smell hit her. Faint smell of pee, and poop. It was obviously fresh. She gagged at first almost setting the diaper back on the ground. But her body wouldn't stop the process. "why am I so turned on by this dirty diaper, omg what is wrong with me." She mumbled aloud. Right when she was about to place the dirty diaper in her purse, a girl walked up and saw her. She just looked at her in disgust and started running towards the park. Lindsey stopped in fear, and arousal. She wanted to shove her hand down her panties and start rubbing her pussy in front of the girl. But she refrained and picked up her pace heading towards the car in case the girl was telling her parents what she saw.

She got to her car and sat down as fast as she could. She put her purse on the passenger seat, and just sat there staring at nothing for a few minutes. The smell of the diaper started to fill the car. She was in a state of arousal. She couldn't control it. She looked around once more making sure no one was around. Opened the purse and saw her new prize. One hand started to reach for the diaper, while the other went inside her cute cotton panties. Lindsey pulled out the pink diaper and was holding it staring at it. She took her purse and threw it into the back seat. She started to open the Cinderella pullup, her constant shaking making it hard to open. When she finally got it open. The smell of poop and pee instantly hit her nose. Then her eyes widen at the site of brown mushy poop, and pee. She couldn't control herself. She instantly brought the smelly diaper up to her nose and inhaled. Her panties soaking wet. She had to completely stop herself from cumming.

She didn't want to ruin the moment. "Omg, this poopy diaper is turning me on so much, I need to do more!" She exclaimed with excitement. She grabbed her purse. Taping the diaper up as to not ruin it. She gets out of her car and starts heading towards the parks bathrooms. She notices some cute guys sitting on a park bench outside the bathrooms. She starts giggling to herself. "if only they knew what im about to do" she thought to herself with a smile. She entered the bathroom. The park was crowded that day, so the bathrooms had a good amount of people in them. She entered a stall. She had to be careful as so no one could see what she was doing. She opened her purse and pulled out the smelly diaper placing it on top of the toilet. She started unzipping her pants, and pulling them down slowly. Then her panties. She noticed how soaking wet they were. With her pants, and panties completely off. She picked up the diaper she set on top of the toilet. She took a big sniff from the poopy mess. She lifted up her left foot and stepped into the dirty diaper. Then her right foot. She was about to collapse from the excitement. She slowly started pulling up the dirty pullup. The warm mess and wet diaper now against her butt. She was shivering beyond control. She took her left hand and squeezed the back of the diaper. The poop squished against her butt, feeling it squish against her butt-hole and inching its way towards her pussy.

sorry for ending it that way. Wasn't sure if it was worth completing or not. Please let me know =D
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Please continue! This is an absolutely wonderful story! I loved every second of it! Please dont stop!
I am intrigued by how this story has started and would like to see more if possible.
Before you can judge others, first you must judge yourself.
Holy crap!........luv it!!!!!!!

My story is similar but with a sissy (me)

and you are a wayyyyyy better writer.

a very good writer actually!!
Please please keep going. You can't stop there.
Wow what a story!! Very exciting and naughty, please please write more. 
Oh wow thank you for the reply's. I'll do some more work on it tonight =D
You can't leave us hanging. I believe most of us sissies who have been nappied/diapered have pooped and know the unwanted sensation. To see a story continue on with someone's fascination of it is great.
Really love too see where this goes, does she get caught, end up in diapers all the time? Please more
Please, Please keep going. I can't wait for more.
Goodnight pantys
Amazing story, Loved it.
Such a turn on , pls continue
Sorry everyone. This week ended up becoming really busy. But I will be working on it soon. Just wanted to let you guys know im not going to leave you hanging for too much longer =D
thus far, I'm quite fond of this story. anything to do with wearing another individual's used diaper always gets me off though.
I look forward to seeing this continued.
Please please please please please continue.
Your to hard on yourself the writing was very good.
Please continue this is one of the best stories ive read! Please please please continue
Very exciting. I can't wait for more. I love the stories like this, where its kind of twisted, and very "naughty"
can someone plz tell me or send me a link if you know of any other stories somewhere like this i loved it and i hope the writer of this one keeps making more of it its amazing
more more more. must have more.
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