XXX Mr. Hudson Welcomes A New Sissy Baby Chapter 5 added
A sissy-loving man fills the empty nursery with a new sissy baby
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   Philip Hudson sat in his favorite plush leather armchair next to the glowing fireplace in his study retreat enjoying the daily newspaper, a fine cigar and his favorite scotch whiskey. The day’s tasks were finished early and he was awaiting the return of Monique, a household assistant along with his sissy companion. The weekly beauty shop appointment should be completed and their arrival back at the manor was soon to be. He was a contented man and was currently playing with ideas for a special Christmas present this year for Pen and, of course, himself. 

Momentarily, Helga, his right hand er, ‘man’ came into the study and excused herself. “The car has just pulled in, Sir. Shall I send them up?” “Oh, yes, please Helga, send them up right away!” Mr. Hudson gushed. He always anticipated the return of his sissy and to see how the girls at the salon had pampered him that day. Helga exited and he downed a heathy swig of scotch followed by a smoky puff of his cigar.

Presently, the large door to the study opened and in pranced Pen escorted by Monique. “Ah, at last, my sweetness…let me see you! Turn all around for me. How was the day, Monique?” “Uneventful today, Sir. Penelope was so well behaved and cooperative with the girls. Just a bit of fussiness when they insisted on covering his head with a rain bonnet upon leaving.” “Thank you, Monique. You are excused but please come back for Pen in 20 minutes for his dinner time preparation.” The girl left the study.
“Oh, Penny!” Philip Hudson mildly scolded. “Why did those mean girls put this sweet girlie plastic rain bonnet on you…um?”

“They thaid there was a thance of sprinkling mist and didn’t want my hairdo and makeup to be ruined before I came home to you, Sir,”the sissy lisped. “Well, we’ll! I would say they made a fine decision! Those smart girls know how I favor my sweet sissy in girlish accessories…especially plastic ones! That rain bonnet is SO SISSY; so protective In it’s large size and clear plastic with the pink trimming. And the big plastic bow they’ve achieved under your delicate chin is adorable, you know. Now turn all around and around again for Daddy.”

The effeminate 25 year old boy twirled around for his master, his shiny black, heeled Mary Janes tapping on the floor. He was dressed in a feminine-cut pink t-shirt and tight, shiny satiny navy blue boy’s shorts and frilly white anklets. His bare legs were smooth and hairless as were his arms which were held out in a V-shape with wrists bent to form swans. His “hairdo” was very short and that of a boy’s although the beauty shop girls had teased and lifted his short boyish bangs and doused his head with a good amount of fragrant hair spray. His makeup was simple and light: soft powder, thinly shaped eyebrows, pale blue eye shadow, enhanced lashes, a touch of rouge and a pale pink shiny lip gloss. Finger (and toe) nails were clipped short and boyish but had been done in a pink that was matching his lips.

“Come and sit on Daddy’s lap, my pwessuss sissy.” The boy tip-toed over and sank into his master’s large legs, putting his hands back to back between his girlish legs. “I want to smell all your femininity and caress your soft smooth legs.” The plastic rain bonnet rustled as Mr. H stuck his face in and smelled all around the mixture of hair spray, makeup and perfume. “Lovely,” he murmured. “You may be asked to wear this precious plastic bonnet to the bedroom this evening. You know I just love my sweet sissy boy to be feminine and girlie for Daddy, don’t you. Yes! And what of your panties? Have you had any accidents today?” He lifted the elastic of the boy’s shorts to reveal the pink plastic Barbie panties covering his dainty white silk panties. “No, Daddy. No dwibbles or weaks today. All dwy!” “Very good, Penelope! You are such a good girl for Daddy!”

The boy gradually felt a stiffening underneath his bottom and Mr. Hudson was breathing just a bit heavier. “I am thinking that I may begin to send you to the beauty shop several days a week…I am so impressed with what they are doing with you, sweetheart.” “Oh, no! Pwease, Daddy! Pwease let me be more like a bouy and not go to the women’s beauty pawlur!” “Nonsense,” he bellowed. “You are my sweet sissy now. I have raised you as my precious baby girl in the nursery and now you have blossomed into a pretty and dainty feminine sissy for Daddy. You still have a male haircut and your male plumbing. I try to call you Pen from time to time which sounds a bit more masculine than your full name, Penelope. You just are no longer a woman’s type or even able to please a woman. You are a sissy. Look…why, you’re wearing a sissy plastic rain bonnet, girl panties and shoes! You please only me now. You have been taught since you were upstairs in the pink baby girl nursery to please me and only me. And that will continue. And you will obey my wishes, whatever they may be! Now then,  tell me what you are, my precious.”

The sissy daintily wiped a tear from the corner of his eye so as not to ruin his makeup and whispered, “I am a sissy girl for my Daddy.” “A little bit louder, sweetheart.” “I am a sissy girl for my Daddy.” “Very good! Now tonight at dinner we will chat about Christmas wishes and presents. I have an idea I’d like to propose. Up now, here’s Monique. Take a nap and prepare for supper in two hours time. Oh, and Monique. I’d like Penelope put in one of the new dresses that arrived yesterday and heels, please.” “Yes, Sir.” And at that they left Mr. Hudson to his scotch and cigar.
The Next Chapter
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Baby Butch
A sissy should go to the beauty parlor and be appreciative of their daddy. Cute short story!
@ Baby Butch
  Thanks for the note…makes me want to keep going!
A very nice story I hope there is more to come   
I like how the story is going   
@ sissybabysamantha2
  Thank you, sissybabysamantha. That prods one along to keep writing!
Baby Butch
I see this is not a short story and like the updates you added. I am caught up thru Chapter 3 and still like the story. : )
Sissy Cindy17
Please continue this story! I love it! 
@ Sissy Cindy17
  Thank you…it will continue!
This story is very good. I like how things are progressing for Penelope. And i hope she is enjoying it    
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