mom diaper bed wetting tim ( PG )
forced diaper wearing
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“Tim… come upstairs to your room please …” Becky shouts down the stairs to her son.
The thundering of footsteps on the stairs as Tim rushed up to see what his mum wants…
Walking in to his bedroom he is surprised to find his duvet and pillow on the floor exposing a big yellow patch on the white sheets of his bed.
Becky points to the stain and explains to Tim that enough is enough…
“this has got to stop Tim… “
Tim looks at his mum wondering how much in trouble he was .
he has seen that stern look before …
Becky moves over to Tim and grabs his arm leading him to the bed where she forced him to sit…
sorry mum Tim says with his hands guarding his face thinking he was going to be punished for the bed being heavily stained.
Put your hands down … Becky says.
I’m not going to hit you…as Becky turns to the dresser unit and picks up a large pack of pampers and plonks them on the bed next to Tim.
Tim fixed his eyes on the picture on the front of the pack with a child in a nappy and looks at his mum thinking to himself .
Enough is enough Tim…Becky explains .
“Oh mum” says Tim.
“please don’t make me wear nappies mum” Tim pleads.
“unless you show me you have stopped wetting yourself at night then you are going to wear them and that’s the end of it” Becky explains to Tim.
“mum “ pleads Tim…
Becky kneels down and unlace his shoes…
Tim reacts by pulling his feet away from Becky and placing them on the edge of the bed.
Becky looks rather angry at Tim as she grabs at his ankles and forces them back to the floor.
Tim’s face with shock as his eyes start to water knowing his mum wasn’t joking or messing around.
Becky points her finger near tims nose and sternly says “ don’t start… do you hear me”
Tim looks at his mum rather shell shocked at what was happening to him.
Becky slips off his shiny shoes and stuffs his socks into the opening.
Gently opening the pack of nappies and pulls out one and gives it to Tim.
“I don’t want to wear a nappy mum… “
Becky unmoved by his comments looks at Tim and asks him to unfold the nappy.
Tim just looks at the nappy rather blank looking so Becky takes it from his hands and asks Tim if he knows how to use one.
Tim replies that he has no idea on how to use one .
Becky places the palm of her hand on his chest and persuasively pushes Tim to lie down.
Tim fights back and puts up a little resistance .
Becky was having none of that and puts her full weight behind he and pushes tim into the bed.
Tim falls onto the stained mattress and turns his head away with discust on his face.
“mum “ says tim turning rather pail at the over powering smell of urine wafting under his nose.
“now you know why ive had enough and you are going to wear this nappy and you are going to stay clean on a night until you stop wetting” explains Becky.
Un buttoning his black trousers and peeling off his underpants at the same time …
Tim lays on the bed with his head arched over his chest and in his strain to keep his eye on his mum and what she was doing to him he starts to wet full flow on to the carpet.
“ oh…oh…oh…oh… cries Tim in disbelief of what had just happened and gropes at his tail to try stop the flow he was uncontrollably unable to stop .
straining to stand up he accidentally urinates all over his mum kneeling by the bed side after just removing his pants.
Becky screams as he just encountered a face full of urine .
As Tim finally stopped and standing there shaking at the whole ordeal …
Becky stands up and removed her dress and throws it to the floor.
Standing in her sons bedroom in a black bra and white knickers and a navy blue dress soaked in urine on the floor grabs her son and lays him on the bed .
No…no…no…no…. mommy pleeeease don’t “ yelps Tim.
Forcing the nappy under tims bottom she spreads his legs and Tim covers his genitals .
“ move your hands” Becky demands.
Tim tries to get up but Becky pushes Tim back on to the urine stained bed.
Becky grabs his hands and moves them away as she folds the nappy over and seals the tabs of the nappy into place.
Standing Tim up and miscalculating the top bunk he bangs his head on his older brothers bunk.
“ouch Tim cries out”
Becky cringed at the sound of his head banging against the bed and pulls him close inspecting his head for any cuts .
“oops … “ said Becky making a funny face with her lips which made Tim laugh.
“so sorry darling” Becky said not meaning for that to happen.
Tim was standing inspecting his nappy and looks at his mum.
Becky gives a little tug on his nappy to ensure it was a snug fit.
Sitting him on the bed she spreads his legs again and places a finger in each corner of his nappy and running her finger round the elastic cuffs folding them out as she does.
Reaching for a tub of Vaseline petroleum jelly she opens the lid and scoops out a quantity with her finger and rubs in to the cuff line of the elastic on his nappy.
Standing Tim up he picks up his white pajama bottoms and helps Tim into them.
Opening a draw and searching around Becky pulls out the matching top and helps Tim .
As Tim slips into his slippers Becky strips his bed of the sheets and sprays the bed with disinfectant and places a waterproof cover on to the bed and also a white sheet .
Picking up the duvet she strips the cover off to find it was also stained with urine so she places the duvet into a black bin bag and ties it up.
Opening the airing cupboard … Becky pulls out a new duvet and fits a flower patterned duvet cover over as Tim stands and watches unaware he is fiddling with his nappy.
As the pillow is placed on the bed … Becky hears a bang.
Everything stops …..
Both looking at each other wondering what that was .
“mom” a voice shouts from down stairs.
It was Steve his brother who has returned from working at the bus station.
“Im in tims room darling.. I will be down in a minute” shouts Becky.
Placing the duvet on the bed she picks up the bin bag and tells Tim to go down stairs.
Tim moves to the door and stops only to be pushed by his mum.
Tim walks to the top of the stairs and hearing his nappy making a noise he turns round to go back to his room.
“down the stairs” Becky demands.
Tim walks down the stairs to find his brother in the sitting room taking off his works jacket so Tim walked into the kitchen.
“sit at the table Tim” requests Becky.
as he was instructed he pulled out a chair and sits at the table.
Steve come into the kitchen to find Tim sitting at the table and ruffles his hair as he sits at the other end.
Becky pulls out a whole chicken from the oven and prepares a full roast dinner for the family.
“that smells real good mom.” Steve comments.
“thanks son “ Becky replies.
“how are you to day squirt? ” Steve asks.
Tim just looks up at Steve and says nothing.
“ok… that good was it ?” Steve comments
eating the feast Steve and Becky are in full conversation and Tim ate little food and just sat at the table waiting for them to finish to be excused.
“Steve looks at Tim as he looks rather uncomfortable and fidgeting.
“what are you doing Tim ? “ asks Steve.
Tim goes stiff as Becky commands Tim to stop fighting .
“Right Tim…” says Becky…
“ we have finished eating so can you clear the table and wash up for me…” requests Becky .
Tim stands up from the table and hears the crinkle from his nappy and sits back down to gather the plates together.
“ do it properly Tim please” demands Becky.
Tim stands once more and collects the pots from Becky and himself and walks to the sink and returns to pick up plates Steve and cups.
Once the table was cleared …Tim began to fill the sink with water .
“Steve honey “ Becky calls.
Steve comes from the dining room to be asked if he wouldn’t mind drying and putting away..
Steve did not mind one bit.
Tim walks over to Becky and asks if he could talk to her.
Steve stood rather bewildered at his request as Becky pulls Tim into the living room.
“you need the toilet don’t you” predicts Becky.
Tim looked shyly at his mum and nods.
Becky stands in pause for a few seconds.
“ no Tim..” replies Becky
Tim stood rather displeased at the reply and was about to comment.
“ not a word Tim… not one word from your mouth or help me your in serious trouble…”
Tim was so under pressure of his brother finding out and the fact he was not aloud to use the toilet which he thought was ridicules but he knew he was to do as he was told in this house hold.
Tim returned to the washing up and Steve just looked at him but said nothing as to what was going on.
Tim was rushing the pots and Steve was drying as fast as he could but the pots were building up and Steve finally said something to Tim.
“ ok…o.k.… steady on there Tim… there about to fall…”
as that was said Tim stood still and motionless .
tim was shaking and Steve was starting to worry what was the matter with his brother acting all strange like.?
“are you ok little bro ? “ asks Steve.
Tim starts to bob almost in pain like fashion .
Steve almost dropped the tea towel thinking his brother was about to collapse .
Suddenly Steve herd a gushing sound and was made aware of the fact that Tim was wetting himself and also that it wasn’t spilling on the floor.
“Tim ? “ Steve asks concerned.
Tim trys to run but Steve catches him thinking he was collapsing and a struggle breaks out with Tim wanting to run.
Steve pulls him close and begins to hug him whilst at the same time starts to try and sooth Tim in his distraught state.
“shhhh shhhh shhhh tim….hey hey hey “ Steve says.
Tim stops struggling and bursts out in to a fit of tears.
“I know squirt.. I know all about it and its ok bro…” Steve comforts Tim.
Steve stands up and places Tim by the sink and requests he carry on washing the pots.
Tim looks at Steve thinking all sorts of things and wasn’t quite sure of himself or what he was doing.
Steve rubs his back and places his hand on his shoulder.
Tim doesn’t say anything or even look at Steve and continues to wash the pots with tears building up in his eyes .
After the pots were finished .. Tim left Steve to Finnish drying and walks out of the kitchen and up to his room.
The door had no lock on so his mom just tapped on the door and walked in with a fresh nappy.
She places the diaper on the bed next to Tim and seeing the diaper and knowing he was going to be changed he started to cry again…
“ enough Tim” demands Becky.
Tim struggles to control his whimpering.
:do you think im a bad mother Tim? “ asks Becky.
Tim looks at his mum and looks down again.
“I made you wet because I wanted you to know that it is designed for people who don’t hold there water very well.”
Becky was looking for a reply or something to go on.
“it doesn’t mean you’re a baby Tim” says Becky.
“ I feel like your treating me like on though” cry’s Tim.
This is to stop you waking up wet in the morning and smelling of urine and most of all “
Becky pauses for a second before continuing what she was saying.
Pissing all over me” Becky said.
Tim bursts out laphing and Becky also bursts out laphing.
“ lay back son” requests Becky.
Tim lays back as Becky takes off his wet nappy by pulling back the tabs with a loud ripping sound like sell tape and the crinkling of the wet nappy being pulled from under his bottom.
Pulling out the wet wipes … Becky rubs him down with little resistance as Tim just lay there allowing himself to be put back in to a fresh nappy.
Placing the used wet wipe in the new bin placed by his bed and also a new cupboard which held his nappies in.
Putting talcum powder over his genitals and rubbing in gently .
“ well done son…” Becky replies.
Listening to the new diaper being unpacked made Tim feel uncomfortable .
Feeling his legs being raised up and the diaper being placed under his bottom he takes a deep breath and is relieved when his legs are placed back down.
With his legs open and rather stretched Becky puts more cream on the inside of his legs and folds over the diaper sealing the tabs firmly in to position.
Sliding her finger down the inside of the diaper to pull out the elasticity cuffs.
Bringing his legs back round she pulls him back to his feet ..ducking his head to miss banging it again.
Becky finishes off by pulling up his pajama trousers.
Giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek … Becky collects the dirty diaper and walks out of the room closing the door behind her.
Tim was in his room alone in his pajamas and diapered..
Getting under the bunk he lays down with his head on the pillow rubbing his diaper to try make it feel more comfortable.
Tugging and adjusting while hearing it rustle also rather bulky between his legs and tight around the waste.
Thinking to himself for a good twenty minutes Tim hears some one coming up the stairs ..
He jumps under the duvet and just lays there.
He hears a door close which sounds like the bathroom door and the toilet lid being raised.
Hearing some one putting water down the toilet was a noise Tim never really paid any attention to before until now.
Now that he is in a nappy.
“I am in a nappy “ he whispers to himself quietly.
Hearing the chain being pulled and the rushing of water rushing down the toilet makes Tim feel like he wants to use it.
He remembers what his mum said about not being able to use it and how he was only able to come out of nappies if im still wetting .
Thinking to himself over and over again about toilets and nappies and his brother knowing make him need the toilet badly now.
Tim closes his eyes and trys to free his mind of all the whys and whats and feels to just let go.
Laying there he urinates feeling it coming out but not feeling it .
He pushes slightly and hears it coming out and then feels the rush of water flowing down to his bum cheeks.
Feeling that sensation he jumps up thinking the bed and pajamas are now wet ..
Panicking he feels around to find the nappy warm and he feels he should be wet but can not find any damp spots .
Feeling a little bit more he pushes out the urine.
Feeling a heavy nappy now he feels rather satisfied he isn’t wet after emptying what he had in to the nappy .
Getting out of bed Tim walks round the room feeling the bulk between his legs.
Sitting on a chair and really twisting the nappy around his bum cheeks he finds rather pleasurable.
Oh… he finds himself rather shocked and bewildered he actually found a liking for the feeling of excitement he just witnessed .
It has for the past tem minutes play with himself in his nappy.
Feeling the squishiness and the bulk rubbing between his legs and the feeling of a paste rushing around his genitals he starts to wiggle on the chair some more.
To tims disbelief he was getting aroused by the feeling generated from this wet nappy .
He made a rubbing feeling and this rubbing got harder and faster .
He couldn’t resist it.
He had to do it harder and faster .
It was too good to stop…. He did not want to stop.
Breathing getting deeper and faster…
His mouth opens up and face goes red.
Was this passion?
What was this he was doing.
What was happening?
Almost slipping off the chair he lets out a moan as a feeling of overwhelming proportions came over him and a huge pulse like urge was so intense he made a mess in his dirty nappy of a sort he never new could happen.
After coming round from a rather sleepy state…he was amazed at what just happened.
Hearing footsteps coming up the stairs he rushed over to the bed and dived in .
The door got a slight tap and Becky walks in and over to the bed where she sits.
“ time for bed darling” Becky said kissing him on the forehead.
After kissing him she looked at his face all flustered and rather clammy.
Nodding her head she understood what was coming over .
Placing her hand under the duvet and feels his leg and Tim flinches and stops his mum from feeling him..
“move your hand “ Becky demands.
Tim just sits there not moving.
“now” sternly demanding.
Tim removes his hands and lays slightly back.
Becky slips her hand down his pajama bottoms and rubs his nappy.
Looking at Tim in the face she sees him not knowing what to do or say knowing he has just done what he has done.
Becky pulls the duvet off the bed and on to the floor.
Putting her hands under tims arm pits and pulling him over to her knee she sits him there and cuddles in to him.
“shhhh Tim… “ as Becky presisionaly moves his hair from his face and all scrunched up on mums lap Tim feels rather humiliated.
“mum “asks Tim.
“what are you doing” asks Tim.
“quiet” demands Becky.
Rubbing and feeling his nappy she replies to him in a baby soothing voice.
“ oh dear .. has you wet darling.. time for mommy to change you”
Tim went limp..
Not saying a word as Becky lays him on the bed pulling his pajama pants off.
Tim did not feel to dare show any disapproval or complain or resist in any way.
Pulling back the tabs on his nappy she removes the first half and removed from his bottom.
Folding up the dirty nappy and gives a slight pause and carries on folding up into a ball and into the bin by the bed.
Opening the door on the little cupboard getting the wipes, cream and a fresh nappy out
Wiping down and talcum powder his genitals .
At that moment as he Tim was about to be diapered … his brother just walks in to the room and sees Becky putting Tim in a fresh nappy.
He did not think too much of it opening a draw putting his clean clothes away.
Standing Tim up off the bed she puts his pajama bottoms on him and makes the elastic twang his padding underneath. at that point Steve closes the draw and goes back down stairs.
“ its ok Tim.. I understand now darling…” assumed Becky.
Tim just looked at his mum and said nothing.
Becky takes his right hand and puts his hand into a fist formation and pushes it up to hi face.
“ suck it Tim” Becky requesting him to suck his thumb.
Tim starts to suck his thumb as requested.
Laying him in his bed.. Becky collects his duvet off the floor and tucks him in .
Going out the room for a short period of time.. Tim continues to suck his thumb until Becky returned with a two foot high teddy bear.
Tucking the teddy in to Tim she kisses them both and says to Tim…
“ I am not angry or disappointed with you and I love you very much no mater what has gone on “
Tim was shrinking under the duvet.
“ if you need changing from now on you come to me … “
Tim nods wishing he could disappear or reverse time…
Becky walks to the door of the bedroom and switches off the light.
“ I will love you being my baby again Tim” says Becky as she closes the door gently.
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 Another super cute story you have a fabulous ability to write please dont stop .xx
is there going to be a continuation? because i love it so far. maybe you can incorporate bondage into it. and have tim being turned into a baby girl
Baby Butch
Another great story, Baby Butch loves to read good, embarrassing, humiliating, diaper stories. I had younger cousins in diapers. Even though I was a couple years older, I got diapered like the rest of them. It was embarrassing and I had nothing to say about it. I was also a bedwetter.
can you pwease continue dis stowy? pwease, pwetty pwease wif a chewwy on top?
can you pwease continue dis stowy? pwease, pwetty pwease wif a chewwy on top? you is an angel
This story has wonderful potential.... yummmmmyyy
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