R The Incontinence Chair
Nurse Ripple assures Clara her son-in-law will soon be incontinent if she feeds him ten bottles a day. Then Momsy will let him suck on her titties as her baby girl.
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 303 – The Incontinence Chair               by Prim


Poor Brody Drench. His Mother-In-Law Clara insisted that she was going to have him as her baby, and babies have to be kept securely in their place for their own safety. His play-pen had bars across the top which locked in place, his feeding high chair had links to hold his reins securely locked, he was locked into his buggy in the same way, and now his new chair had a neck clasp while his hands and feet were fastened behind him out of the way.

“Locking his hands and feet is the only way to make sure you can feed him bottle after bottle of formula,” she said to Nurse Ripple. “I want to watch my baby drinking more and more. That way his need to urinate will constantly increase.”

“You are right, Miss Rockway,” replied Brody’s nurse, tipping his bottle more steeply so that he choked and spluttered, then settled down to guzzling his drink down through the large aperture teats she used on him. “If we persist in feeding him ten bottles at a time, he will certainly become incontinent.”

Clara smirked with satisfaction. “That’s wonderful. Just what I dream of. I want my baby to be utterly dependent on me for his changes and bathing and – well, for breast-sucking too.”

Brody spluttered again. This came as a shock to him, sucking on his Mother-In-Law’s tits! The idea filled his head with more baby dreams of lovey-dovey cuddling with Clara, which had become his heart’s desire ever since she took him into The Cedars and made it his home. Becoming her baby girl brought him into daily intimacy with her as she dressed and undressed him and changed his diapers. How he loved her to put him into his shiny plastic panties, especially those popper-fastening pants in thick pink plastic with babies and toys all over them. How cute he felt, and how defenceless for his Momsy.

“If you feel the front of his diaper, Miss Rockway,” said Nurse Ripple, “I think you will find he is very excited about being your baby,” and she adjusted the controls so that his chair brought him forward into his Mother-In-Law’s reach. She replaced his bottle teat with the large-teated pacifier that always filled his mouth when he wasn’t sucking on a bottle.

“Ahhh, who’s my little babykins in his petticoat frills and baby dress today?” cooed Clara, her face mere inches from his. Her hands held the front of his plastic panties and closed over the shape of his very stiff genital inside his deep and fluffy diaper. “If Brodykins can drink up all his bottles of milkies for Momsy, he will find his darling baby face inside Momsy’s nice silk blouse. Maybe Momsy can’t give her babykins any milkies while he’s sucking and sucking, but my baby Brody can give Momsy lots and lots of pleasure as he sucky-suckies on her lovely titties. It’s going to be so nice as Momsy plays with the squishy front of her baby’s diaper and panties.”


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Source: primspetticoatwendyhouse.com
Gallery Images by AbbySweetness
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