R Diapered at grandma's
A young man gets diapered on vacation to grandma's house
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 Chapter 1:(This story is loosely based on a true story)My family on my mother's side is huge. My mother had a total of 5 siblings, 4 sisters, and a brother. Obviously, my grandparents kept having babies till they got a male child as my uncle is the youngest of all the siblings. All my aunts and uncle had kids, and now I have a total of 16 cousins. I am the oldest of them all and obviously received a lot of love and attention from all the relatives. We are all really close, though most of us are scattered around the country in different cities. 
But one thing we made sure was to try our very best to gather at my grandparents' countryside farm for about 2 weeks during the summer. That was a tradition I had my mom and her siblings maintained for many, many years, and most years, almost everyone makes it. 
Growing up these summer vacations were a lot of fun as most of my cousins were close to my age probably just a few years apart, the closest being just a few months younger than me and the youngest was about 11 years younger. 
There was just one problem, though. I was a chronic bedwetter. Till I was 12, I wet the bed daily and then intermittently till I was 16. Thus, diapers were an integral part of my nighttime routine. At my grandparents' house all the babies were diapered together before sleep but as time passed my other cousins graduated from the diapers but I couldn't. Since I was 6 years old, I wasn't diapered with other toddlers. Rather, my mom carried pull-ups, and I would wear them just before going to bed and would change immediately after waking up. So even though everyone knew I wet the bed and that entailed some teasing from the cousins and my aunts and uncles, thankfully, nobody had seen me in a diaper for a long, long time. 
When I went there the summer, I turned 16 it was only me and my youngest cousin who needed diapers, and he was just on what was called the probationary year. That meant he had stopped bedwetting, but since he wet the last year he was here, he had wear diapers this year. So, in essence, I was the last of all cousins to stop bedwetting. 
The next year, we had to give grandma's a skip due to my busy schedule and college applications. But the good thing was my bedwetting had stopped all together before I was to go to college, so now I was no longer afraid of going to college out of town. 
Next year was quite big for me. Firstly, I turned 18 and got into my dream school and was excited to start in the fall. Before that, it was summer again, and I had nothing on my plate, so I was up a super relaxing vacation at grandma's. My mom wasn't able to go due to work related travel. 
By the time I reached, most of my cousins,  uncles, and aunts were there, and we all sat down in the large living room and was having a fun time talking about our lives. That is when my youngest aunt Nina walked in with my youngest cousin and a big bag of what was unmistakably diapers. She had arrived earlier and obviously had gone out to get the diapers. 
I spoke up (which was stupid in hindsight). "I thought your son was out of diapers a couple of years back." 
"They are not for him. They are for you silly," she said with a chuckle. Others there chuckled as well. 
"Hey, I stopped more than a year ago. You can call and ask mom." 
"I did hear that you had stopped, but last time you did wet, so this is your probationary year, remember." She reminded me, and everyone agreed in unison all the while snickering. 
"No way I am wearing diapers this year you can forget about it." I said loudly and stormed into my assigned bedroom. 
Generally, my mom and I shared a bedroom, but given it was me alone, I was sharing a room with bunk beds with 3 other cousins. So I climbed onto a top bunk and started fiddling with my phone, and being tired, I slowly dozed off for an afternoon nap. 
I woke up to a setting sun's rays on my eyes, 5 of my cousins giggling and an all too familiar feeling. I jerked awake and realized my pants and sheets were soaked. I saw one of my cousins run out and, in moments, came back with Aunt Nina. 
"I can't believe it, you wet during the day?" utter shock and anger. 
I remained silent, even I couldn't believe I had done this. 
"Follow me to the living room," she said and stormed off with all of us following closely behind. I was still in my wet pajamas and standing in front of the entire family. 
"You told me not a few hours ago that you don't wet anymore. This is worse than bedwetting at night. Not even toddlers wet during the day." 
I just hung my head in shame. 
"It's obvious what we need to do. Let's get you diapered up so all of us can enjoy the vacation without having to clean up your accidents." Aunt Nina said much to everyone's amusement. 
"Okay, I am not sure how this happened, but it did. I am sorry, I was wrong to say no to diapers. I will wear them during the night just in case." I replied, defeated. 
"But you wet during the day, so only night diapers won't work. You need to be diapered all the time." 
"No way, I don't need diapers during the day." 
"Don't argue with me. I know you are 18 now, but to me, you are still a baby to me. So don't think you are old enough or strong enough not to get a spanking. So tell me, do you want to be a good boy and let me put a diaper on you, or do you want to get spanked and diapered?" 
I stood there thinking she was right. I was kind of the black sheep in the family. Most of them are tall and well built where as I stood at a mere 5ft 4 inches and a mere 110 lbs. So, in a moment of confusion, I tried to make a dash for it. 
But before I could exit the room my cousins got a hold of me, they were enjoying the show till now and I am sure it was about to get much more fun for them and much worse for me. They laid me across Aunt Nina's lap, and swiftly, my pants were down at my ankles, revealing my tighty whities. 
Smack!! Smack!! Smack!! 
A quick flurry of spanks landed on my rear end with my whole family watching. More followed, and I could feel my ass on fire. 
I finally gave up and yelled, "Okay, okay, okay I will wear the damn diaper."" 
"Abby, get the mat and supplies." She commanded. 
"Right here?" I retorted 
"Of course, you'll be changed just like the others." 
She picked me up and placed me directly on the changing mat. Off came my pjs quickly followed by my tighty whities. Aunt Nina started to wipe me down with wet wipes as my cousins stood over me and kept giggling. She then dowsed me in powder, asked me to lift my butt and quickly slipped a diaper under butt and very quickly taped it shut. She then grabbed some plastic pants and put it over the diaper. I slowly stood up and realized I could barely close my legs with the bulky diapers. 
"All secure, unlike your stupid pull-ups. They leak and have left many pee stains all over this house. These are proper overnight diapers meant to soak up more." 
From then on for two weeks, I was almost always in diapers, I couldn't go out because none of my jeans fit over the diapers. 
It has been 6 years since then, and because I had an internship all summer, I couldn't make it to Grandma's house. 
In about 4 weeks, I am supposed to visit again, I am not sure I will be spared the diaper this year.
Source: Diaper, abdl, humiliating, cousins, sissy
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I love this story. I was a bit like him I was the eldest in the family and the last one out off nappies due to bedwetting I hope there is more to this story  
@ sissybabysamantha2
  looks like you and me have that in common.
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