XXX You’re Mommy’s Sissy Baby Girl Now!
A dominant woman finally has a baby girl for her brand new nursery
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1) The message read, “I am ready to give you the interview you have relentlessly been requesting. Your sincerity and willingness to commit to a relationship with an older woman is very encouraging. I feel that we can meet on equal ground regarding your desire to satisfy your fetish for mature women and those wearing plastic raincoats. I understand that you acknowledge that I can be a bit demanding or dominant in this relationship and that this can also be a bit of a turn on  for you. We have been chatting online for quite sometime now and you know of my love for pampering myself in feminine beauty and wearing sensual outfits. You’ve seen me in our Skypes and I have told you that I am in my late 50s and quite well off financially. As you have become free and easy with your recent inheritance at the age of 30, I feel that this would be an ideal situation…or relationship?…for us both, Terrance. If you are ready and in agreement respond to me with a simple YES and we will proceed with our “meet up” details. Your fetish companion, Harriet”Terrance couldn’t believe it! At last! He was SO over his life at present…bored, unable to get girls out in the bars, probably because of his being a bit skinny and a short 5’ 3”. His shoulder length hair made him look a bit mousy, he guessed,  but it was his look and he was sticking with it! He was tiring of masturbating to pictures and videos of women in his fetish world…older, mature, nice hair and makeup, full bodied in front and behind and…wearing clear plastic raincoats. He wanted it for real…almost like a “mommy figure” he could have sex with or masturbate watching her cater to his whims. He’d lost his father long ago and his mother recently, hence his inheritance and a new carefree life. He adored his strong and stylish mother and missed her greatly. He could never figure out the enthusiasm for plastic raincoats; his mother never had one and just seeing one worn out in public was enthralling but not the deep seated reason. Maybe the plastic pants his mother put on over his diaper aroused him at such an early age? Or there was the rain bonnet she wore from time to time and there was one specific occasion that was quite traumatic for him: He was 4 years old and in the back seat of their family car. His father was driving and pulled up to the curb in front entrance of  shop. My mother came down the stairs from the shop and quickly shuffled to the car for was raining. In the car she began to chastise my father for being so late in picking her up. She hollered and screamed and yelled at him, not giving him one second to respond as to his lateness. I frightenly tuned it all out and focused on my mother’s beautiful, magnificent, fresh new hairdo. And it was covered by a large clear plastic rain bonnet. But the big hairdo was heavenly…and in coming years I deduced she must have been in her favorite beauty shop that day.Back to reality, Terrance knew that perhaps his dreams were actually about to be realized. He breathed deep and typed in his reply to Harriet…YES!2) What seemed like hours but was only about 20 minutes, a reply pinged on his email: “Terrence! How absolutely lovely! I am SO looking forward to our meeting in person. I should like you to take the two hour train ride to my town where I shall meet you. Initially all you will need is a light overnight bag packed with what you deem necessary. I do have one instruction that I require you follow for me explicitly without question. I request your current address and in a day you will receive a package from me; instructions will be enclosed, including the train to take and the destination. At the train station you shall  recognize me immediately as, I hope, I will you. I am quite excited about your arrival! H.”Well! Indeed interesting and Terrance felt tingling in his blood and in his underwear area! He immediately typed in his address and hit ‘send’’. The next day or so could not go fast enough!3) The medium sized boxed arrived late the next afternoon, obviously shipped ‘next day’. He ripped it open to find a hand written note laying in top of tissue wrapping paper. The note read: “Dearest darling Terrance, Come to the station at Middlebrook on the 1:00 pm train tomorrow, Friday. I shall meet you upon arrival, approximately 3:00pm. I am asking..,demanding that you wear this jacket enclosed for the trip and as  you arrive to meet me.  Now take care and see you tomorrow!🤗😘H.”Inside the tissue paper was a folded plastic square. He opened the sticky plastic to its full and stared at a clear plastic rain jacket. It had  little pink polka dots all around it and an attached hood. Odd, he thought, but this could be a prelude to something exciting with her in the bedroom… or maybe this is what Harriet chose to be sure she knew it was him. Oh, well, he would wear it for her, perhaps putting it on as the train got into the station. After all, it was a bit feminine in look!4) As the train slowed for the stop at Middlebrook, Terrance retrieved the jacket from his duffle bag. He stood up and noisily pulled it on over his collared shirt, aware of a few stares from nearby fellow passengers. The plastic jacket snapped and crackled with each movement he made making it all the worse. He alighted and headed down the platform toward the station enclosure. Just outside stood a woman he immediately recognized by the face and knew to be Harriet…she was immaculately coiffed and made up and wearing a tight fitting knee length skirt and white front laced blouse which he saw all through her clear plastic raincoat. She stood tall in her shiny black high heels and carried a medium sized black patented leather purse and a closed umbrella. She indeed stood almost a foot taller than him in those heels as she greeted him with a kiss to each of his cheeks. The smell of her makeup and perfume, her lacquered hairdo and the plastic raincoat intoxicated him and her dark, beautiful eyes with dazzling, fluttering false eyelashes made him dizzy.“Darling, I recognized you immediately in your sweet rain jacket. Thank you for obeying me. Now come, let us be on our way. My car is waiting. Take the umbrella and open it for us. There’s a drizzle and we must take cover.”He opened the umbrella as they stopped briefly before stepping out into the rain. It was a clear plastic bubble type umbrella, again decidingly feminine but at least it had black edging. As they stopped, out of her coat pocket she pulled and shook open a clear plastic rain bonnet and floated it up and over her head, tying it gingerly in a bow under her chin. He felt  himself shiver for some reason and she seemed to sense that. He stared; the bonnet was very large with a visor in the front and covered her big hairdo completely. It was clear plastic, also with black edging,  and he could she her immaculate bouffant through it…just like his mother’s so many years ago!“It is not polite to stare, Sweetheart! Come.”A short walk brought them to a large black Mercedes Benz where a chauffeur stepped out, opened the rear door, took Terrance’s duffle  bag and then the umbrella once they were inside the backseat, and placed them in the trunk. “Thank you, Benny. Home please.” And with that she slid a glass partition between front and back closed.5) “Now then. Welcome to your new life, should I say Terri? After all, you are a sissy, aren’t you?“A sissy?! NO! Why…but…”“Hush now. Only Mommy will do the talking from now on unless you are requesting to speak. Yes, a sissy. Look at you. You’re wearing a young girl’s plastic rain jacket that you didn’t question me about in the least! Would any real man be caught wearing that out in public? Uhm? And a simple head gesture…did you wear it all the way here on the train?”He waited, trying to figure this all out, and finally shook his head ‘no’.“You will be punished for that. Sissies must learn to obey and do exactly as their Mommies say!“BUT…I…”With that Harriet snapped open her purse and produced a pink baby’s pacifier and swiftly pushed it into Terrance’s mouth. There was an attached rubber strap that she quickly lifted over and behind his head, holding the pacifier tightly inside his mouth. Then as fast as all of that happened, she produced a pair of thumbless rubber mittens with elastic at the wrists and forced them over his unsuspecting hands and closely clipped them to each other.“Now, as I was saying. It is very obvious that you are a sissy. Mommy knows that and loves it. You adore me and want to look like me…all feminine to the hilt. I saw the way you stared at me back there and it wasn’t just because of my stylish plastic raincoat. Our conversations, I’ve picked up things…your desire to be bossed and dominated; all signs of a true sissy. And, yes, you WILL be MY sissy! We will make each other very happy from now on. At first it may be difficult and challenging, as I will have to train and teach you. However, you will eventually come to embrace your new life…as a good little sissy!Terrance began to shake his head and bang his mittened hands in his lap, the seatbelt securing him in the seat.“There, there…almost home. Be a good girl for Mommy.”The car proceeded up a slight hill and toward a large gated  estate.
Gallery Images by plasticJanice
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Baby Puss
 So far, so good. Great start! Wonder what will be in store for the little sissy next? 
@ Baby Puss
  Thanks sweetie. Hopefully we can figure out why we can’t edit or add to our stories presently! Harriet and sissy Terrance are waiting!
A very interesting start to this story. I cant wait to hear what fun Terrance will have    
@ sissybabysamantha2
  Thank you honey. Just getting started…there is a lot more to come. Can’t add or edit at the moment!
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