R Upset 1 - 7
Lil Sissie is an adult crossdresser who refused to go to Aunt Sally's wedding. He is forced to go as a flower girl.
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Upset 1 - 7 - Lil Sissie is an adult crossdresser who refused to go to Aunt Sally's wedding. He is forced to go as a flower girl., Flower Girl,Lil Sissie,Diaper,Dress, Adult Babies,Feminization,Sissy Fashion,Identity Swap Upset 1 - 7 - Lil Sissie is an adult crossdresser who refused to go to Aunt Sally's wedding. He is forced to go as a flower girl., Flower Girl,Lil Sissie,Diaper,Dress, Adult Babies,Feminization,Sissy Fashion,Identity Swap
Upset 1 - 7 - Lil Sissie is an adult crossdresser who refused to go to Aunt Sally's wedding. He is forced to go as a flower girl., Flower Girl,Lil Sissie,Diaper,Dress, Adult Babies,Feminization,Sissy Fashion,Identity Swap
Upset 1 - 7 - Lil Sissie is an adult crossdresser who refused to go to Aunt Sally's wedding. He is forced to go as a flower girl., Flower Girl,Lil Sissie,Diaper,Dress, Adult Babies,Feminization,Sissy Fashion,Identity Swap
Upset 1 - 7 - Lil Sissie is an adult crossdresser who refused to go to Aunt Sally's wedding. He is forced to go as a flower girl., Flower Girl,Lil Sissie,Diaper,Dress, Adult Babies,Feminization,Sissy Fashion,Identity Swap
Upset 1 - 7 - Lil Sissie is an adult crossdresser who refused to go to Aunt Sally's wedding. He is forced to go as a flower girl., Flower Girl,Lil Sissie,Diaper,Dress, Adult Babies,Feminization,Sissy Fashion,Identity Swap
Upset 1 - 7 - Lil Sissie is an adult crossdresser who refused to go to Aunt Sally's wedding. He is forced to go as a flower girl., Flower Girl,Lil Sissie,Diaper,Dress, Adult Babies,Feminization,Sissy Fashion,Identity Swap
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Was Lil Sissie naughty?
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 Lovely cappies. I don't think Lil Sissie will be to upset about having to wear a nappy and be a flower girl     
Baby Butch
@ sissybabysamantha2
 I know what you mean. *Giggles* Perhaps she was faking it. That spanking sure changed her attitude and she was naughty.
Baby Puss
I think Lil Sissie was naughty, but I’m sure that will be all forgotten soon. I’m sure, the little sissy flower girl, will be a big hit at the wedding! Or, maybe another big hit, on the bottom? 😁
Baby Butch
@ Baby Puss
 I think Lil Sissie makes a great Flower Girl. Got the pics from an adult video so I could choose the scenes I wanted. Great to see your comment. : )
  Baby Butch I love Upset 5 the best Kevin?  
Baby Butch
@ sissieann
 Thanks for picking favorites, I am happy these cappies are liked. Have a great weekend. : )
lil sissie
 Wow BabyButch You know me well mes was supposed to be a flower girl in a wedding last year but it got canceled Mummy bought mes the dress and all to go with it right down to the shoes and the wedding is back on for this May. and mes sure mes will be going with a very red bottom as mes doesn't want to go .  
 lil sissie
Baby Butch
@ lil sissie
 I like the last picture best with you diapered as a little girl and having to carry your own diaper bag. Sounds like I predicted your future and I remembered you posted the Flower Girl dress a while ago. Glad you loved your story!
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