PG Sparkly leo
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Sparkly leo, leotard, Sissy Fashion Sparkly leo, leotard, Sissy Fashion
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So it's not terribly sissy-ish, and for that I apologize, but while waiting for a new dress to arrive (the wait from across the Pacific is agonizing right now!) a little something caught my eye. Besides, I know a few of you appreciate pretty leos.

Fellow leotard lovers can probably appreciate the difficulty of finding one in your size. The biggest stock sizes will just barely fit a smaller sissy, and frankly the ones they have in stock probably aren't exactly what you're looking for; the really sparkly leos are custom-made and ordered in bulk by teams.

So when I saw this one on an auction site, in my size, I just had to bite. I have poor impulse control...
Source: self
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Leotards are plenty sissy! I adore them! Ballet is a perfect example of femininity, after all!
Sissy Fashion
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