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PG 13 Serving Dresses!!
Me during a night of serving my friends as their seat and maid. I love these outfits!
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Serving Dresses!! - Me during a night of serving my friends as their seat and maid. I love these outfits!, dress,tights,humiliation,leotard, Dolled Up Serving Dresses!! - Me during a night of serving my friends as their seat and maid. I love these outfits!, dress,tights,humiliation,leotard, Dolled Up
Serving Dresses!! - Me during a night of serving my friends as their seat and maid. I love these outfits!, dress,tights,humiliation,leotard, Dolled Up
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 As I have grown as a sissy I learned the importance of being happy while serving. It is difficult keeping composed when you are constantly being laughed at but you must focus on your tasks. I know I need to keep my outfits looking adorable at all times, even when I have to change into new ones many times a night. I absolutely love having my picture taken when I am all dressed up because I look genuinely happy. I always wanted to be a model. I always experiment with new poses but my favorite is the curtsy. It just looks the girliest. These three pics were all from the same day when I served in many different outfits. I wasn’t as exposed as some other days when I had to wear leotards or rompers but the dresses were cute and I still felt well used. 
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Baby Butch
"Would you like another cup of tea mamm?" asked Leotard Sub.

@ Baby Butch
  Yesss, I had to ask that alot and of course I curtsied
Lovely photos and you look very happy and are always smiling     
Dolled Up
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