R Sarah goes over Auntie Kay's knee
This is what happens to naughty little pansies that don't listen to Auntie! Over my knee with frilly bloomers down for a good dose of my hairbrush across the bare bottom. So, do you want some too?
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lil sissie
 mes don't fink ooo woulds dos dhat to mes
@ lil sissie
  Hiya lil sissie!
Hmmm - well that all depends doesn't it. Your Mummy might just fancy a nice day out and have the good sense to leave you in my care - in which case you'd spend a large portion of it with your nappy and baby panties round your ankles nursing a very sore bottom!
Thank you so much sweetie xxxxx
    MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss   xxx
hopefully this will be the 1st of MANY spankings for sissy sarah this year
permanently a sissybaby 
@ babygirlpansy
  Hiya Pansy!
I can happily tell you that you are indeed correct - I not only rounded off the old year by reddening her little bottom but began the New as I meant to carry on. My Sarah has already received more then one thorough spanking already and as I believe in the adage that nappies are best worn over sore bottoms then I doubt that hers is going to be a natural shade of pink anytime soon.
Thank you ever so much dearest Pansy xxxxx
    MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss   xxx
Baby Puss
Yes, a hairbrush has multiple uses, doesn’t it? I can almost hear those brush falls, on poor Sarah’s bum. I would have some lotion ready, for Sarah, for afterwards, and a diaper! 
And, I love Sarah’s pretty bloomers, perfect.
@ Baby Puss
  Hiya Baby Puss!
Oh yes honey, they do indeed - tho that particularly over sized one has but one purpose - and much use it has had. Have no fear, my naughty pansy was soon fastened up in her nappy and plastic panties - always best after a thrashing. As for lotion - why on Earth would I want to apply a cooling cream? The longer her bottom hurts, the more she remembers the lesson!
Those are very lovely bloomers aren't they - we were actually wearing a matching set but mine were in black (of course). Thank you so very much honey xxxxx
    MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss   xxx
Pink Balloon
I mean, it'd be rude to refuse since you so kindly offered. 
@ Pink Balloon
  Hiya Pink Balloon!
Here's one little sissy that knows exactly what's good for her naughty bottom. Very commendable but don't expect any leniency because of it! I'll have you over my knee with your frilly panties pulled down and the entire house resounding with the sounds of wood striking flesh until you beg to be put in a nappy for being such a naughty baby.
Kindly offered you say - well, I usually ask such things with a scowl but if I do smile down then I'd really begin to worry if I were you.
Thank you ever so much darling. xxxxx
    MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss   xxx
Pink Balloon
@ kay3070
I wouldn't want it any other way Auntie Kay.
I love the lace trimmed bloomers! Imagine if they were rubber lined.. xxx
@ sissyjj
  Hiya JJ
Thank you so much sweetie. I'm sure we definitely think the same in that frilled bloomers are incredibly sissy and always look so perfect when showing from under any pretty dress. Rubber lined would be quite lovely, tho these were not I did manage to create a similar effect by making my pretty Sarah were her plastic panties a sort while later - with a tightly pinned on terry nappy underneath of course. xxxxx
    MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss   xxx
 Well the Bright side for sarah about the spankings is? Ain't happening to me. hehe. Lovely picture by the way. :) 
@ Sissybeckyfunstuff
  Hiya Becky!
Hmmm - how very short sighted of you indeed. With your naughtiness I think it best that you wait patiently in the corner with your hands on your head until I am finished with this little pansy - then I can begin to turn your bare bottom a deep shade of purple ... and there's plenty more instruments on my rack that need a workout yet!
Thanks ever so much Becky honey, it was definitely as much fun as it looks. xxxxx
    MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss   xxx
Oh my, you two are up to no good yet again! Long may it last you gorgeous girlies ♥ 
@ chrissiesissy
  Hiya Chrissie!
Oh my goodness yes - you might say in fact that we solemnly swear it (lol). We always do end up being very naughty in each others presence - tho when you have such a beautiful girl stood in front of you, a wall full of spanking implements and a cupboard full of nappies then who can resist such delightful temptation.
Oh believe me darling, we will outlast the stars themselves. Thank you so very much Chrissie sweetie xxxxx
    MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss   xxx
Baby Butch
I am good at obeying Auntie to avoid that hairbrush! Not surprised to see Sarah Sissyboots over your knee again.
@ Baby Butch
  Hiya Butch!
I heartily agree with you on Sarah's fate - when ever the naughty girl is put into pretty panties or bloomers then she has the mistaken idea that they are there to keep her hands warm! Thus they very quickly end up around her ankles so I can concentrate on warming the rear.
Yes, you are a good baby and that will allow you to avoid my hairbrush - now, that just leaves the paddle, the crop, the strap ... (lol)
Thank you ever so much as always dearest Butch. xxxxx
    MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss   xxx
Poor Sarah being spanked again. I bet that wont be the last spanking this year. I love the bloomers,I think the would look very good over a thick nappy and baby pants

And yes i would not object to spanking since you are offering  

@ sissybabysamantha2
  Hiya Samantha!
Correct on all accounts sweetie - well, all except this 'poor Sarah' nonsense - don't you be sympathising with my ill behaved sissy. That naughty little girl will be the recipient of a permanently sore bottom for the rest of the year! Much as you deserve the same you dirty baby - one quick check of your sticky nappy tells me all I need to know of your behaviour - filthy little beast! I think Mummy should give you a hard spanking at the start of the day and I shall take care of the one before bed - and believe me, it will last til morning!
Those bloomers do look very lovely over a nappy and baby panties and certainly have the room to fit - this was definitely tested out (lol).
Thank you so very much Samantha sweetheart. xxxxx
    MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss   xxx
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