R No Pussy Just Pampers
My fantasy thought, added to pictures.
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No Pussy Just Pampers - My fantasy thought, added to pictures., ABDL,diapers,cuckold,humiliation,submission,domination, Adult Babies,Feminization,Dominating Mistress Or Master,Sissy Fashion No Pussy Just Pampers - My fantasy thought, added to pictures., ABDL,diapers,cuckold,humiliation,submission,domination, Adult Babies,Feminization,Dominating Mistress Or Master,Sissy Fashion
No Pussy Just Pampers - My fantasy thought, added to pictures., ABDL,diapers,cuckold,humiliation,submission,domination, Adult Babies,Feminization,Dominating Mistress Or Master,Sissy Fashion
No Pussy Just Pampers - My fantasy thought, added to pictures., ABDL,diapers,cuckold,humiliation,submission,domination, Adult Babies,Feminization,Dominating Mistress Or Master,Sissy Fashion
No Pussy Just Pampers - My fantasy thought, added to pictures., ABDL,diapers,cuckold,humiliation,submission,domination, Adult Babies,Feminization,Dominating Mistress Or Master,Sissy Fashion
No Pussy Just Pampers - My fantasy thought, added to pictures., ABDL,diapers,cuckold,humiliation,submission,domination, Adult Babies,Feminization,Dominating Mistress Or Master,Sissy Fashion
No Pussy Just Pampers - My fantasy thought, added to pictures., ABDL,diapers,cuckold,humiliation,submission,domination, Adult Babies,Feminization,Dominating Mistress Or Master,Sissy Fashion
No Pussy Just Pampers - My fantasy thought, added to pictures., ABDL,diapers,cuckold,humiliation,submission,domination, Adult Babies,Feminization,Dominating Mistress Or Master,Sissy Fashion
No Pussy Just Pampers - My fantasy thought, added to pictures., ABDL,diapers,cuckold,humiliation,submission,domination, Adult Babies,Feminization,Dominating Mistress Or Master,Sissy Fashion
No Pussy Just Pampers - My fantasy thought, added to pictures., ABDL,diapers,cuckold,humiliation,submission,domination, Adult Babies,Feminization,Dominating Mistress Or Master,Sissy Fashion
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A captioned set of pictures from my fantasies.
Gallery Images by NickyNicole
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Baby Puss
Nice! I enjoyed reading all of your capies. That was fun, and I want to play out some of them too, lol.  
A brilliant set o cappies. I like dominant women 
Sarah Marina
This is a great theme, and your captions are excellent! Would love to see more.

@ Sarah Marina
  Thank you!  I actually have two more done.  I'm gonna add them when I get another 5 or so done.
 Yesssss Please mommy.Pease pease pease make ME your baby girl forever.I soooo LUV PAMPERS!!!!

Tanky uuuuu's mommy,is all I could blurt out.I then hear mommy say to me laughing,  you are no longer going to be MY boy baby.YOU are going  to be a GIRL baby  for mommy.I know how much you LOVE being PAMPERed by me!!!

But But why I ask my wife,after being diapered for the first time am I dressed as a baby girl.She picks me up and begins to cuddle me on her shoulder.Shhhhhh wittle baby shhhhh don't you cry.I always wanted a baby girl,not truely a HUSBAND.Seeing how YOU couldn't get me preganant,then YOU were going to become MY baby girl.So it is ALWAYS just PAMPERS for you No pussy!!!!

All I could blurt out was,but but sweety I still want and need you.I hear my sweety start to laugh as she tells me.Yesssssss sweet BABY girl,yes I did say baby girl.You will want me and need me,because I am NOW going to be your Mommy,not your sweety.I am going to keep you dressed and in diapers always.So it is NOW no Pussy Just PAMPERS!!!!

I hear my wife now tell me,you are no longer going to be MY husband.Yes I am going to NOW be your mommy,and YES you will be MY baby girl.So from this day forward it is No Pussy Just PAMPERS for mommies sweet BABY girl!!!!

I squeek out in my bestest baby GIRL voice mommee me wuv's uuuu's sooo much.I then watch as my my wife begins to laugh at me.Ohhhhh sweet baby girl,I soooo love being called your mommy.I then hear her say,I will keep you as MY baby girl forever now.I will even hire MY girlfriends to be your babysitters from time to time.So from  this I just want you to know,being MY baby girl has some rules it will always be No Pussy Just Pampers from this day forward,do you agree sweety pie.I shake my head up and down with a big baby girl smile!!!

Well I must tell you ALSO sweety,it also makes me WET being in diapers and dressed as a baby girl.So it looks like we are going to be HAPPY together.Yesss mommy,me understands No Pussy Just Pampers.Pease pease pease hurry and get me dressed,as your baby girl!!!!

I just smile at my Lover,and hearing her plans for US.I then blurt out tanky you Mommy,but I still will get the PUSSY,I will just eat it instead of putting my small penis near it.I then feel her starting to undress me,as she places all my diapering supplies on the counters.I see it is all BABY girl colors and styles.She then tells me,if you are going to be MY baby in diapers,it is going to be baby girl diapers and outfits,as she laughs.Then she repeats No Pussy Just Pampers for mommy's sweet baby girl!!!

Yessss Maaam,but I must tell you.I love you so much more with everything you do to me and for me.But the butt plug you just put into me,feels the bestest of all maam.I also under stand the rule No Pussy Just Pampers.All the chores WILL be done,when you return!!!

I just begin to drool around my pacifier gag,as I begin to feel the cramping begining from the 2 suppositories my NEW mommy put in me at my first diapering by her.I then hear her tell me,you will learn to LOVE being diapered by me,your mommy and being treated as a BABY GIRL,so the rule will always be for YOU No Pussy Just Pampers.I then shake my baby girl head up and down,now laying in my bed!!!
10/10!  unbelievably cute!!!!!
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