Posted July 9th, 2011 ~ 6:10 pm
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Gallery Images by sissydina218
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Baby Butch
I did not know your Avatar was an original picture of you.

Good job with the dressing up and posing.

 Baby Butch  
You look absolutely lovely in this outfit, it is a shame that trhe pictures of you  in your skattin gdress did not turn out so well to see it nice and clear like what this image is. May I ask please Sissy Dina, is that the only light in that most beautiful kitchen of yours?

It looks big and it kin dof reminds me of how my hall way in terms as there is only the one lamp in there, but the problem with that, is that it does not really light up the hallway vrey well, as the lamp is way to far down near toward the end and not central, which where I fel it should be to give out as much even light as possible, personally, if I had any say in the matter, I would have had two lamps, one at on eend and one at the other with enough light to radiate out towards the centre.

Or should that not work, 3 lamps with the third being in the centre. Anyway I was wonderin gif that light in your kitchen to be your only light source. If it is one thing I have learned about photography, no matter which level of photography anyon eis at, a good light source is key to taking a good photgraph, for taking night time images or in dark places, a good flash helps,  and I hope this well meant piece of adviced helps too?

Hugs & kisses


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