PG Pink sissy maid
My collection keeps growing! I need another maid to keep it tidy
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Pink sissy maid - My collection keeps growing! I need another maid to keep it tidy, sissy,maid,dress, Sissy Fashion Pink sissy maid - My collection keeps growing! I need another maid to keep it tidy, sissy,maid,dress, Sissy Fashion
Pink sissy maid - My collection keeps growing! I need another maid to keep it tidy, sissy,maid,dress, Sissy Fashion
Pink sissy maid - My collection keeps growing! I need another maid to keep it tidy, sissy,maid,dress, Sissy Fashion
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The dress fits wonderfully once I get it on, but pulling the zipper up myself is a bit of a struggle. My solution was to take a 2 foot long piece of spare chicken wire, thread it through the zipper, and bend it in half. It's like an extension zipper :) I can remove it easily once the zipper is pulled up.

For anyone else who might be interested in getting this dress, note that the petticoat that came with the dress doesn't stay poofed out very well. Certainly not as much as the "official" pictures, unless I just don't know how to poof it out properly - which is probable. In my 1st picture I'm actually wearing two pettis. Also, if I had to order it again, I'd customize the skirt length and shorten it by about 2 inches.
Gallery Images by sarahbliss
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Baby Puss
Looks great! But, I can understand your nit picks. A poofy skirt is wonderful, and all’s the better when it’s short. Your shoes, and collar are a fine addition too. Have fun! 
Hiya Sarah! What a gorgeous outfit  sweetie - you make a lovely little pink sissy maid. Yes, the pettis that come with those dresses never create the flared out floating look you want - always best to add more layers of poof (careful of adding too many tho - not being able to get thru a doorway due to your ruffles is not an acceptable excuse when it comes to performing your maidly duties - lol). xxxxx
    MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss   xxx
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