PG My Music Albums (Special Bonus Added)
cover art, music albums,
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 Bellow are album cover art made by me in Sketchup execpt for Requiem. I have compsed and produced 6 music albums in total.
Lucid Dreaming:


Ethereal Dreams:




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Baby Puss
I dig em all!  
@ Baby Puss

  Once you have finished digging, make me a sandcastle. *Giggles*. I am glad that you like all of the album covers.

*Hugs* SissyBabyPet
Baby Puss
@ SissyBabyPet
  Can I use the plastic mold type? You know, they already look like a castle, you just fill them, and flip them over. Or, does it have to be done with just a plain pale & shovel? 😄
@ Baby Puss

  *Giggles* You can use the plastic molds, now lets get a ken doll and put him a Barbie Princess Dress and he can be the Princess of the castle. *LOL*

*Hugs* SissyBabyPet
Baby Butch
I have seen most of these covers and love them all. Three and four are new as far as I can remember. Have a great day! 
@ Baby Butch

  I am glad to hear that you love all of my album covers Baby Butch.

*Hugs* SissyBabyPet

My Music Albums

Bonus Special:


Music Crafting:


When I first started off recording my music, the only way that I could do it at the time, was to use an Audio Mixer Program. But I also needed a way to set the music to video. Thanks though to my CASIO Keyboard. (See: My Synthesizers Blog) It could record up to 6 tracks at a time. Which back in the day was useful, so that way, I did not have to use any multi track recordings, as that was done for me.


But one thing I was adamant about, was no drums/rhythms. Don’t get me wrong, I like them and they can be useful in some music. But I wanted my music to be more in tune with the sounds of Jean Michel Jarre. But on the CASIO keyboard, I honestly could not produce those kind of sounds, or that type of music style.


I so desperately wanted to do music that was as near similar to the sounds of Jean Michel Jarre, but it wasn’t until I got my KORG 01 Wfd Work Station (See: My Synthesizers Blog) That the surreal like sounds on that synthesizer came anywhere near as close to what I had always dreamed of being able to create.


I knew at that very moment. I had the kind of Synthesizer that I always dreamed off. Also what came in handy as well, was when I got the Yamaha CS1x Synthesizer (See: My Synthesizers Blog) There was also great sounds on that too, which helped to make it possible for me to create more than one music album.


Also, I had my micro Korgs as well to help and I found that their Arppegiators were a Boone.  It was like having a Rhythm beat section, but without actually having one, like what you get on an Electronic Keyboard that plays auto chords. I found a use for these Arppegiators, in a way, I never would have thought possible, my music could have beats to it, but still be Jean Michel Jarre like in terms of play style. But at the same time, creating more of my own style, as my music making grew.

My room-mate  used to do power-point presentations to make my music videos with, for my earlier works. Which were good in their own right, but not really quite what I had in mind.


Over the course of time, I had him change the format for doing the videos without the use of power-point. They were much better and more to like what I had in mind for my music videos. I will never ever use Drum Beats or a Drum Machine for my music creations.


Don’t get me wrong, drum beats work very well, but not for my particular style of music, as it simply does not need a drum beat. Most of the beats come straight from the use of my Arppegiators, but some of my music also works too, without the need for them.

I do not know if this is the correct term to use. I see myself as a bit of, a sort of Purist. When it comes to music making, for me, that means, no use of drum beats at all. That may seem odd to you, but not to me. My music works very well without the need for drum beats. All that I can say is, listen to my works, then you will know what I am going on about.


I have chosen a rather and maybe unusual path for my music making. But it’s one that I am very proud of and won’t change for anything. Surreal Sounds and the use of Arppegiators, is my style and way of music crafting and I hope it continues to be that way for many, many more years to come.

Oh and one last thing, I use Audacity to record all of my music work with.




Baby Butch
@ SissyBabyPet
  I can see why Power Point would be ok for your videos but that limits your audience to those who have Power Point. I have made a few Power Point cappies but discontinued that idea. You do a fine job with your music as far as what I have listened to.
@ Baby Butch

  Well, with powerpoint you can make a video with it, but the format it saves in, while it  is okay for uploading to YouTube, but very slow at doing so. All of my current music videos are now saved as MP4's, that format uploads better at YouTube. Thank you for saying that I do a fine job of my music, that means a lot to me.

*Hugs* SissyBabyPet
Str8 Orientation
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