PG Morning
Dressing for Work
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I have found getting dressed in the morning takes a lot longer as a girl. This morning after my shower I put on my long line pink 42DD bra, pink sheer girdle garter belt, pink satin flowery panties, black lace top stockings a pink short frilly slip, black flowery short skirt and pink lacey top. I finished off my outfit with four inch pink high heel shoes. Then I had to take time to apply my make up and do my hair. I have become much better at putting on my stockings as I have ruined many a pare at the beginning by not taking it slow and rolling the stockings up my legs. I am afraid a few trips over moms lap for a spanking has taught me to be more patient in the morning and take my time. I do really love getting dressed in my girly clothes for work and love the feeling of my girdle garter belt and other frilly undies as I walk. Life could not get much better than being able to live my life as Emily 24/7.

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