PG 13 Mommys sales pitch baby sitter and little girl
The new nappy for sissys
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 Mommys   sales pitch baby sitter and little girl - The new nappy for sissys , All ! Xxx! Diaper, Wetting The Bed
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 trusted by mommies wives and sissy baby sitters also with reusable tabs so you can take her nappy off for a spanking when shes not complying and then and put her straight back into her huggies again with a new thicker inner as well as a snug fit to keep her comfortable and dry               we advise some mommies might notice a strain on there little clitty cages than normal with more softness around her bottom and lower frount
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Baby Puss
Don’t worry sissy, be happy.  
@ Baby Puss
  aaaah naaaaaaoooooo  
Sounds like the perfect nappy for sissy babies     

Yesssssssss mommy please please please put on me!!!
@ babyginagirl
  cmon  little 1 lets get you onto the changing table and lie flat on your back so we can get your nappy on then ready for a nap   and now you can sleep like a proper little princess in her cot
@ Bell
  As I feel you lifting me up off the floor and carrying me over to my changing table,and then laying me down on my back.I begin to smile up at you mommy Bell.I then open my mouth for you to put my binky in.Been through this process many times. I feel your hand on my belly,as you put the strap around my belly,giggling at me as you tell me can't have the sweet babygirl falling off the changing table. I then feel you sliding the plastic panty down and to my ankles,but don't remove it.Telling me that it will be used again,with the new fresh diaper.I then hear the click of the first diaper pin being opened,and then the next pin also.Then you remove both pins from my soaked cloth diapers,and stick into the changing table pad up by my head.I then feel a gush of cool air hitting my little babygirl diaper area,as you lift the diaper and roll up the front part and place between my spread legs.I then hear you say wow what a soaked babygirl you are.This is going to take a few baby wipes to get you fresh and clean.I am just contently laying there nursing my binky,as I feel the first warmed baby wipe touch my tender babygirl area,and then the next,and the next one.I then feel you grabbing both my ankles with one of your hands, and lifting my bottom up and off the diaper,as you remove the diaper and roll up,and move to a safe location.I then feel another warmed wipe cleaning my back bottom side,and then another.I then hear you take one of the disposable diapers and shake open,and placed on the changing table.I then smell the lovely scent of baby powder.I then feel you place my babygirl bottom down onto the diaper,and feel the cool rush of the baby powder on my sweet bottom.I just smile up at you again.Then I watch as you shake more baby powder between my legs in the diaper area and then onto the front of my babygirl area.I then feel the wonderful feeling as you lift the diaper into position,and tape into place. I then feel you patting the front of my diaper,and tell me what a beautiful and good girl I am for my diaper changes.I then hear you say sweetie pie ready for your cribby time. Just need to put you into This lovely nighty mommy bought for you.
And then into this perfect princess panty,just to remind you and anyone else that may see you,what a sweet princess baby you are for mommy.

Now I am just going the slide the plastic panty back up your sweet chubby babygirl leads and back into place around your lovely diapered baby bottom.I then feel it back into place. I then watch as you slipe each foot through the panty and slide up and now over the plastic panty.Now mommy is going to remove the strap sweetie pie and sit you up to get the nighty on you.I feel just like a princess,as I feel mommy now carrying me over to my crib.
Goood girl darilng and into your crib and i want you to sleep soundly  for mommy and i am very pleased with how you did your very first poopey in your nappy today with out complaining  or crying your making mommy very happy in our new relation ship now lie down mommy loves you very much and i have drawn the curtains because i know it is still day light out side sssh sssh sssh  thaaats it and now that i have you safely in the cot i am going to let you have a night time breast feed just relax and drink little 1 and remember that the baby monitor is on if you do poos in the middle of the night mommy will hear you crying from mine and daddys bedroom and he might even come and help me change you but you shouldnt after the big 1 you had today and your new brand of nappy for little sissys will never leak but they will keep you snug and pretty do you want any more breast sweetheart keep sucking darling and i have even pickt out your new play out fit for tomorrow there now your drifting off to sleep as mommy puts your paci in for tomorrow is anotcher day for mommys little babygina girl 
Wetting The Bed
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