PG Mommys says i should be ready for bed by 6 pm
An arguement with mommy was all over in a few secounds
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Mommys  says i should be ready for bed by 6 pm  - An arguement with mommy was all over in a few secounds, Little 1, Adult Babies
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 Mommys boyfriend said i should be ready for bed at 6pm so  when he gets home i can be ready to hop to bed straight away so him and mommy can have more time togetcher i tried to argue about it as its so not fair but it was all over in a few secounds mommy apoligised for spanking me and after a cuddle she said when i learn to obey being her little girl wount be so bad
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Baby Jasmine
Always obey Mommy . Mommy knows best. 
Baby Puss
Oh my, you lost your head there a bit, but it wasn’t your head that suffered, was it?  
Baby Butch
I bet mommy warmed your bottom nicely. That argument was over before it started. LOL 
Adult Babies
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