PG Mommie let me wear a pullup
But by the end of the afternoon the nappies went on
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Mommie let me wear a pullup  - But by the end of the afternoon the nappies went on, First time in pullups, Adult Babies Mommie let me wear a pullup  - But by the end of the afternoon the nappies went on, First time in pullups, Adult Babies
Mommie let me wear a pullup  - But by the end of the afternoon the nappies went on, First time in pullups, Adult Babies
Mommie let me wear a pullup  - But by the end of the afternoon the nappies went on, First time in pullups, Adult Babies
Mommie let me wear a pullup  - But by the end of the afternoon the nappies went on, First time in pullups, Adult Babies
Mommie let me wear a pullup  - But by the end of the afternoon the nappies went on, First time in pullups, Adult Babies
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 Mommie finally let me wear a pullup all after noon i really like them they are the closest reminder to the big boy kinickers i wounce had a long time ago they still have tear away sides like a nappy  but mommie says that i still cant get to the potty on time so mommies lady friend thinks it is a good idea to go back to full time nappies for anotcher 3 and try with the pullups again so they are under the changing table for anotcher 3 mounths its so not fair i thought i was a big girl
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try pullups again tomorrow
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Fulltime nappies for 3 mounths
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Mummy gave you a chance but you wet you pull up so the only answer is back to proper nappies for you. I don't think you want to be a big girl any way as you love your nappies.   
Baby Butch
You are not the big girl you thought you were. Those pull-ups will have to wait. LOL
Baby Puss
No, sorry you’re not ready for training panties. I think it’s clear, you need thick full diapers, for quite some time to come. 
Well the people have spoken...Full time nappies for you missy! 
Adult Babies
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