PG How to make a little sissy feel better with her self
Questions on First thing mommies get sissy to do when they are going to change a diaper
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 How to make a little sissy feel better with her self - Questions on First thing mommies get sissy to do when they are going to change a diaper, How calm a little sissy down when it comes to changing a diaper, Adult Babies
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Questions on When a little sissy cuckhold is still coming to terms with her new life with things like mommy having a new man being in the clitty cage for long periouds of time and sleeping in  a crib in her nursery going in her diapers when it comes to diaper changes how  would moust mommies talk to sissy to make her feel better and the first thing you get her to do when your going to change a diaper  
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Telling her she’s a good for wetting her diaper, saying it’s what little sissies do.
It’s ok cause that’s why your diapered, teasing your cage as mommy notices how your straining in your cage because all this baby talk excites you
She gives you a pacifier to calm you as you whine an moan a bit as she cleans you up 
It happens alot when  mommy  comes into my nursery after being with her new boyfriend when my diapers are being changed and she is wiping my bottom i sometimes cry moan huf and puff and moive around on the changing table but  after a spanking and some lotion to cool down my bottom and a fresh diaper going on and my panties being pulled up she sits me up on the changing table and gives me a cuddle and a bottle  puts my pacifer in as my little wiwe strains again in my cage looking at her beautiful body   some times wounce a mounth the cage comes off she will milk my clitty if im a good girl and is done by mommy  so i cant touch it she just has me with a buzzy vibe in my bottom and she has it with 2 fingers when i start to feel arousal she stops and it just dribbles onto the pink potty so i have no orgasm and its like im just peeing as she gets the last of it out then she cuddles with me for a bit  
Tell her she is a good  sissy and must use her nappies more. Then tell her if she is very good that your new man might come and play with her sissy hole   
Daddy come home with these for mommy to put me in at there wedding next week    
@ Bell
  Lucky girl. You will make a very cute flower girl  
Adult Babies
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