R In Love With Their Dresses
When Candace and Diana meet in the mall, dragging their sissified husbands with them, they discover the two shy sweethearts are happier to be intimate than they had hoped for.
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 In Love With Their Dresses        by Prim


"Candy, darling... hi! What a lucky break, seeing you here. I was just taking my girly in here to look at the fashions."

"Di, sweetheart... Hey, do you believe in coincidence? I was taking him to get something special for... well, for his next time." The two of them laughed out loud.

Candace Walsh and Diana Carver had struck a special bond, now that their effeminate husbands had spent a Saturday night together under the supervision of their determined wives. Their other halves, of course, standing next to their mistresses, wanted the marbled floor of the mall to open up and swallow them forever.

"Well let me tell you," went on Diana, bubbling at meeting Candace unexpectedly, "You know I texted you about how he's been moping and dreaming ever since, and throwing himself face down into his petticoats on the bed... well, now he's taken to wearing the stockings Pemberly gave him on Sunday morning. He spends all day feeling his legs in Pemby's nylons.

Pemberly Walsh turned to look at his boy friend, a swell of sweetness flooding his heart and his sexual area. How gorgeous of him, to want to wear his stockings, the stockings he had worn the day before... and now they were encasing his boy friend's legs. Yes... there they were... Those were his stockings which he had given to Reggie... with a kiss.

Reginald Carver had his back turned, his lovely face lowered the other way in embarrassment as he felt the eyes of his boy-friend and both their wives burning into the back of his hair-do. The wives chirruped with laughter.

"Well isn't that nice, Reggie?" said his wife. She knew he was listening... taking in everything that was said behind his back. "Your boy-friend loves your stockings... because they're yours, sweetie and have encased your shapely feminine legs. He want his legs to feel close to yours. Isn't that sweet?" No reply. Just a rustle in her husband's wide petticoats as one high heeled toe pivoted on the stone floor.

"Well," said Candace, her scarlet lips curling into a grin, "I could tell you what my own dear husband has been doing almost every minute of the day and night since you left our house on Sunday."

Diana turned to her friend's husband in his lemon silk dress, its display opening showing his shiny rayon dress-panty between layers of petticoats. His face fell away to the side with a girlish blush.

"Did you know that your darling Reggie had sneaked a little present to my dear husband before he left the house?"

Diana was all ears.

"A pair of his panties, no less. Which he had been wearing while having a wet sissy accident."

"Well, well, well," giggled Diana. Her smile made him clutch his fingers together in the front of his integrated panty and turn away sharply.

"Yes, and do you know what my darling hubby's favourite pastime is ever since? He likes to spread Reggie's precious panties out on his pillow and kiss them... for hours on end."

Diana couldn't believe it.

"Last night he had a rather lo-o-o-ong spurty accident himself with his nose and lips in Reggie's gusset."

It was Reginald's turn to look lovingly at his boy-friend, while Pemberly squirmed his stockings together and swung his puffed sleeves from side to side with ripples of embarrassment sizzling through his panty-dress.

"It seems our two love-birds are quite taken with each other," said Diana, delighted at the discovery. "I thought they were crying with shame on Saturday night, having to sit together and fondle each other's dresses while we filmed them."

"And I was sure they were hating every moment of it as we made your Reggie sit on Pemby's knee so that they could kiss and smooch," said Candace. "Wasn't it great, having to wipe their faces every two minutes and wax their lips again in pearl pink!"

"Oh my, yes. What I loved was putting them into your nightie and negligee together for long cuddles on the satin bedspread and seeing seeing them cum togeather three times. If only we could do it all over again."

Candace brightened at the idea. "But this time at my place. Shall we do that? Your darling can see all my husband's lovely dresses and lingerie."

"This Saturday?"

"Done! Pemberly... Pemberly?" Where had he gone? The two women looked round and their husbands were nowhere to be seen.

"Where the hell have they got to? I'll spifflicate that Reginald," cried Diana. They knew they couldn't have got far in the mall as they looked through the shoppers in both directions. "They must have sneaked off into here," she said.

The two women hurried into Little Girl Lace-World, breathing fire and hunting in all directions. It was a minute later that Candace called Diane and the two of them burst upon their husbands sitting behind rows of satin party frocks... holding hands and looking into each other's eyes.

"What on earth do you think...?" Diane's words faded on her lips. She had never seen her husband looking so girlish and innocent.

"I think they're feeling safe and cute and... feminine, Diane," said Candace pushing a display of dresses to one side so that she could reach her husband. "But what's this? Why is your dress unbuttoned at the back?"

"And yours as well, Reggie. What's going on?" said Diane. "Ahhhh, is it...? Just take a look inside your sissy hubby's dress, honey, and see if you find what I've found."

Candace opened her husband's dress at the back and quickly found something worth mentioning. "This isn't your bra," she said.

"Nor this," returned her friend. "The two of them have swapped bras... so as to feel more intimate, isn't it, Reggie my dear?"

There were remorseful nods from their two faces, lowered in agonised embarrassment.

"What you two perverts need," said Candace, "is some new, very attractive, little girlie clothes for Saturday night, and we're in just the right place to find them."



This is one of the 701 Prim stories and 826 Prim pictures in the Wendyhouse. Click on everything at www.primspetticoatwendyhouse.com/feminization.htm

Source: primspetticoatwendyhouse.com
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