R Housework not to Auntie's standards
An imagined story illustrated with my photos
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Auntie has decided to stop me spending all my time playing with Teddy and my dollies in the nursery and to teach me to be useful around the house. Even so I would still wear my nappy 24 hours a day and be fed in my high chair, I was still her little sissy girl.

Today it's cleaning  her bedroom, dressing room and bathroom. She has very high standards and everything has to be spotless.

I knew as soon as she laid out my clothes for today that she must have invited friends around. My best blue sissy maid dress, the big heart shaped bonnet, frilly bloomers and cuffs and a petticoat to cover my nappy. The bonnet was so embarrassing and she loved to show me off to her friends when I was wearing something extra sissy.

She took particular pleasure in allowing her friends to spank me if my work didn't reach her standards. More than one of them were particularly adept at over the knee spanking and very handy with a wooden hairbrush.

Auntie supervised my work. Tutting, sighing with exasperation, pointing out everything I missed or did wrong, marking misdemeanours in the punishment book.

The bathroom was the final straw. 
"Just look at this toilet seat," she demanded, "look there are smears and corners you have missed! Lick it clean now!"

I gagged at the smell and taste of disinfectant but did as she commanded as I knew there would be worse to come.

The doorbell rang and she left me to finish my work It was sometime later before she summoned me downstairs.

Maid Alice was serving tea and cakes to Aunties' friends, all of them looking so fine in their cocktail dresses with their hair piled high and adorned with such lovely jewellery. They all cried with delight at the sight of me, Auntie insisted I curtsey low, in turn, to all of them. When my back was turned one lifted the back of my dress and they all laughed at my nappy and satin pantie cover. I jumped as she gave me a sharp slap on the inside of my thigh and promised me "There was plenty more where that came from!"

Auntie instructed Maid Alice to bring the hairbrush and then hold me down over the pouffe in the middle of the room and then each of her friends could take it in turns to give me a good spanking for being such a poor housemaid.

I yelped at the first two hard spanks that Auntie instructed Maid Alice to take off her panties and stuff my mouth with them so they didn't have to listen to my pathetic cries.

Gallery Images by Sissy Poppy
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WOW! What an absolutely stunning outfit!
Widdle Wendy
I need a bonnet like that!

Baby Butch
OUCH! I hope your cleaning skills improve! I love the frilly maid's dress with bonnet. Nice job writing this short story. : )
I love your outfit. Your bottom is nice and red maybe you will do your maids work better next time   
Oh my gosh, Auntie is so keen to humiliate you for her friends. What a GORGEOUOS baby maid outfit! Love, ABS x 
Sissy Poppy
@ AbbySweetness
  Thank you for your lovely comment.  The baby maid outfit is such fun and so humiliating to wear can't wait to be put into it again x
hopefully she learned a Lession 
permanently a sissybaby 
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