Just a little pic of me wearing my new pinafore skirt that I got for Christmas - so happy with it. All the best to everybody for 2021 - lets make it a great year xxxxx
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sissy servant 737-829-633
BEAUTIFUL! Red plaid and white are always a favorite of mine and You only make it stand out the more..  Happy new years! Your off to a good start. 
@ sissy servant 737-829-633
  Hiya sweetie! Oh thank you ever so much honey, such a lovely compliment. I have to agree, I just love plaid / tartan skirts and do own a fair few in varying colours but red has to be the most eye catching. Always goes well with white tho I have worn one with black before to an opposite but equally striking effect.
Wishing you all the very best for the year ahead - muah! xxxxx
    MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss   xxx
lil sissie
mes wikes ooo new outfit Auntie Kay

Hugs and kisses 

               xxxo                      lil sissie
 lil sissie
@ lil sissie
  Hiya lil sissie! Aw thank you so very much darling. The blouse I'm sure you've seen before but I figured it would go so nicely with my new pinafore skirt and it did make for a lovely outfit to wear over Christmas. Tho to be fair, Auntie's usual style of tall boots and black satin did make an appearance as well (lol).
Wishing you and Mummy a fantastic 2021 - muah! xxxxx
    MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss   xxx
Baby Puss
First, a very Happy New Year for you, and keep it a healthy one as well.
For a lovely sissy such as yourself, I’m sure it might mean lots of good healthy spankings, and that lovely cute outfit skirt, pulled up, for proper administering of such. 
I’m glad you are happy with your new skirt, what sissy won’t be? You wear it well too! Enjoy! 😁
@ Baby Puss
  Hiya Baby Puss! Thank you so much for the well wishes and lovely compliments darling. Lol - yes, I'm not so much sure as absolutely positive that said skirt will be raised for the removal of my panties before receipt of a very sore bottom indeed. Not that I didn't receive a spanking (or two) over the holidays of course but I had already been put into baby clothes by then (lol).
A very happy New Year with lots of fun to you too honey - muah! xxxxx
    MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss   xxx
Always lovely, prim & proper KAY!  Enjoying our sissy lives is what we do! Always good to see you XXXOOO 
@ nylontoni
  Hiya Toni! Thank you so very much as always sweetie. I do like to make every effort no matter what - tho I'm not sure Nanny would agree with me being completely proper - not so much on my outfit but more the glint that usually shines from my eyes and spells mischief on the mind (lol). Believe me, it wasn't too long before I was put back into nappies and baby clothes once more.
Wonderful wishes for a very glamorous New Year to you darling - muah! xxxxx
    MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss   xxx
Happy new year sweetie xxxxxx 
@ glasto
  Hiya Glasto! Thank you so much honey. I can tell you that the Holidays were truly wonderful and the Year has been as good a start as it can be. Lots more fun and fine times on the horizon so more then happy already.
Wishing you a very Happy New Year ahead too sweetie - muah! xxxxx
    MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss   xxx
@ kay3070
  Thanks Kay. I just bought my first sissy dress and frilly nappy cover from Chameleon clothing . Start the year as I mean to continue. Noticed that you have used them before. Can’t wait for it to cum through. I have finally given into the complete sissy I am. Hope you approve. Xx
@ glasto
  Hiya sweetie! Oh that's just wonderful. I can tell you that you will be happy with anything Emma makes - she really is a damn good seamstress and tends to be fairly quick on delivery so shouldn't be too long. Yes, I have several of her wares - including dresses and frilly baby rompers. If you ordered thru Etsy then you will definitely see a familiar face doing a spot of modelling in the review section (lol). I have to say that I heartily approve honey and very much hope you will share a pic or two after they arrive. Have fun darling - muah! xxxxx
    MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss   xxx
@ kay3070
  Thanks Kay. I can’t wait. I will put up some pics of me as a sissy baby as soon as it arrives. Should be next week. Love you hun. Xx
Looking beautiful in your new Christmas strappy skirt my darling (though it can and will be confiscated if you don't behave - giggle)  all the better to have you with the rainbow Christmas tree and pretty decorations, which helped make it a festive season beyond dreams for us.

Best wishes to all at sissy kiss for 2021 of course, I'm sure you and I shall make it as fabulous as we can.

Muah, sarah xxxxx
@ sarahsissyboots
  Hiya sweetheart! Oh my darling girl, you make every second of each day a true joy and yes, being together this Christmas was beyond magical - thank you so much just for being you and even more so, for being mine.
Here's to another fabulous year of love, kisses, snuggly cuddles and just being the luckiest girls in the world (oh, and naughtiness to be dealt with of course - giggle). Love you with all my heart beautiful. xxxxxx
    MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss   xxx
Baby Butch
 Joy and happiness to you thru out the new year. LOL Baby Butch
@ Baby Butch
  Hiya Butch! A heartfelt thank you to you my dear friend. Whilst not a single one of us can predict the times ahead, I can assure you that I, for one, will be walking through it as glamorous as possible with my head held high (as per usual - lol). Lets all make it the very best we can, we can do no less.
Wishing you an absolute wonderful year ahead with much happiness darling - muah! xxxxx
    MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss   xxx
I love your new pinafore. I am sure that it will spend a lot of time up around your waist as you are over someone's knee when you are being soundly spanked for being the naughty girl you are. Have a happy new year it has got to be better than the last one    
@ sissybabysamantha2
  Hiya Samantha! Oh thank you ever so much sweetie pie. Lol - I'd say you are not quite correct there ... it also could be over the spanking bench, the back of the naughty chair or even in the back garden if Nanny takes the fancy (giggles). To add to such predictions, I am sure this lovely skirt will end up with a nappy and rubber baby panties being worn under it in the not to distant future too.
Whilst it was not the year any of us planned, I can say that we have still had some truly incredible times -  so lets all just go for it as much as we can this year too.
Wishing you all the very best for a happy & fun filled year ahead - muah! xxxxx
    MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss   xxx
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