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PG Halloween Sissy
Me in my halloween costume before serving at a party. I will have to make and serve tea with candy. I will also have to hand out candy if needed. Finally my face will be someone’s seat during a scary movie.
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Halloween Sissy - Me in my halloween costume before serving at a party. I will have to make and serve tea with candy. I will also have to hand out candy if needed. Finally my face will be someone’s seat during a scary movie., halloween,dress,skirt,pink,poodle,tights , Dolled Up Halloween Sissy - Me in my halloween costume before serving at a party. I will have to make and serve tea with candy. I will also have to hand out candy if needed. Finally my face will be someone’s seat during a scary movie., halloween,dress,skirt,pink,poodle,tights , Dolled Up
Halloween Sissy - Me in my halloween costume before serving at a party. I will have to make and serve tea with candy. I will also have to hand out candy if needed. Finally my face will be someone’s seat during a scary movie., halloween,dress,skirt,pink,poodle,tights , Dolled Up
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 Happy Halloween everyone!! Tonight Im serving at my friends party as a poodle skirt girl! I am really nervous but it has always been my dream to be a poodle skirt girl. It is always nice to get out of the usual uniform although I absolutely love wearing a leotard and tights around. Ill be wearing white tights under my dress though. The humiliation will be intense but it will be worth it if I do a good job entertaining and dancing. I can’t wait to serve tonight and hopefully the ladies make good use of me.
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Baby Puss
Nice poodle skirt!  
Baby Butch
Are you Laverne or Shirley? They used to wear poodle skirts. *Curtsey* HAPPY HALLOWEEN
@ Baby Butch
  I think id like to be Shirley. *Curtsies*
Nice dress . I hope youhave a fun time    
Have a great time, sweetie :-) 
Dolled Up
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