PG granma is going to babysit over the weekend part 1
Mommy comes in to the nursery to say byebye to her little girl as granma is now in charge
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granma is going to babysit over the weekend part 1 - Mommy comes in to the nursery to say byebye to her little girl as granma is now in charge, Grandmas precious little sissy part 1, Adult Babies
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 Granma is going to lookafter  mommys little girl for the weekend and she believes that wat 1 preson on sissy kiss said about her having cummies wounce a mounth is more than enough for her even though belle wasnt happy about it is absolutley right little sissies dount need to have spurties very often  grandma loves to babysit little belle and spoil her precious little girl   i have talkt to mommy and her boyfriend lets send them a picture of you in your little princess outfit darling then you can watch my little pony with a bottle of your favorite chocolate milk
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Baby Puss
OH GRANDMA, WHAT BIG …… YOU HAVE! The better to nurse with? 😄😄😄
Grandma is always so good with, diaper wearing sissy babies. Grandma knows what you like, and what’s good for you too. And you can’t  fool grandma with any nonsense! 🤭
@ Baby Puss
  i have had spankings from geandma before like when she caught me trying to get my hand down the frount of my nappy when i thought she wouldnt know she had me over her knee so quick and my bottom was so sore all that day she said that is a nono for little girls to have there hands in there nappy then after a good cry a cuddle while having a bottle it was an early bedtime that night as well but the next day it was all forgotten about unless i do it again she said   
Baby Puss
@ Bell
  Sometimes you can get grandma to bake cookies 🍪😄 Even after a spanking. Lol
@ Baby Puss
  mes ask grandma to bake cookies in the grownup kitchen and i will help her i love cookies 
Baby Butch
@ Bell
  You will likely be a repeat offender. LOL Hello Grandma!
@ Baby Butch
  mes love it with grandma  look she has got me some matching panties to go with my out fit and frozen playbed  
We know that Grandmas love there sissy babies she has let you help bake some cookies and she has bought you a nice pair of panties. But I bet she finds a reason to spank you as she likes to spank her sissy baby   
@ sissybabysamantha2
  mes love grandma she gave me wat she calls a milking she takes off my clitty cage and uses wat she calls her little helper and i wasnt alowed to touch my wiwe little girls dount do that only she is alowed to but i got so frustrated i went to try and mes got the spanking of a lifetime but afterwards a cuddle and an early nap it was all forgotten about 
Adult Babies
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