I am now on fetlife most of the time, but am rediscovering some things I had forgotten. I am very much into dollification and sissyfication. The idea of sissyfing other boys seems interesting to my domme side. But I also want to be sissyfied. Mama and I have been looking at the boutique a lot lately and she would love to see me in ruffles

Clothing wise, I have my first onesie! I love it, it's my new favorite outfit. I want to get many more. I also have plastic pants and very thick princess diapers. I have multiple pacis around the house and bottles. I wash with baby shampoo and baby bath soap. Mama loves putting baby lotion on me at night bc it helps her and me sleep. She sings to me at night and helps comfort me to sleep. I also finally found my baby blanket from when I was 2.
Comfort, security, playfulness, freedom. Those are the things I have wanted and I finally have with my current partner. But we also have some more to discover, experience and enjoy. Its such an exciting time for my little side. I just wanted to express it in the one place that I really started discovering these things about myself. I no longer have to hide.