PG Dollie unmasks
I open up in a letter to a woman who i met on an internet dating site (actual names are removed to protect the privacy of the person) and dating website)
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Hi XXXX thank you for writing me . In your letter you had asked for me to tell you about myself and you had thought I had no need to date as it appeared to you that I am well established. You asked me to be completely honest and I thank you for that,

Although Dollie is seen by thousands every day in her videos she is a lonely doll and never gets played with. I created her from the social remnants of what was left from a world of oppression of males exhibiting femininity and also the regressions to regain my childhood that was never allowed. You see Dollie is a rag doll made up of my only hopes for social acceptance. She is endorsed  by a sub culture community that in  them selves are among the tattered and torn souls rejected by the norm.

I am a little and this feels odd to say at this point in  my life after living more than half of it very successfully as a woman , I guess the label now would be sissy. The two combined are a phenomenon known as a sissy baby. I revel in this activity and indulge my senses with surroundings, my nursery, attire, the clothes, and being a dolly. I am the ultimate sissy baby doll. Dollie is the representation of the imaginations of millions of men and women of something they wish they could do. Dollie is an extension of their imaginations. She is more than a Barbie doll, she is alive. I am alive.

I have been trying to reach out for another human voice so I didn't feel desolate and alone. In my journey I found a dating site. It was shown in where a large body of my activities can be found. I was delighted to see a place where I could possibly find someone to share our mutual interests in real time space and  not posted website jargon  This was a major disappointment as that site controls the communications so rigidly as to never allow their member the ability to share contact information for a possible meeting. it is just another oppression done by a business that tries to capitalize on peoples fears and loneliness.

In my anger about the results from websites that sell friends and acceptance by the minute I looked for weaknesses in their keyword tracking so that I could "outsmart the machine"  and actually send a contact in an encrypted language that only a real human would understand. ie "dollie sissy ate gee mail" I had to wade through the army of bots there and discover a real live human that was not a conscript of the sites manipulations. That's when I seen you. I knew you were a real person and were using the dating site as a venue to find clientele for your  business. I thought I could see if this key to escape would work and shared it with you and this is how we both arrived here with the ability to email each other.

What could a person with  understanding of this subculture do for me being that we are a distance apart?" you asked in your letter to me, This question holds in its self the answer!

What motivates you? is it humanity,adventure,monetary value or greater romance?? They are all valid I wonder which appeals to you the most.

I have a proposition now that I am aware of one of your stated needs. You wrote that you are in need of a webdesign in  your letter. I can build you the most amazing will appeal to your target market and generate thousands of inquires into your services. Who better to design a virtual nursery. dungeon. playground than one that would participate in the activities and have experience in webdesign and computer media marketing? Me.
Fate has brought us this opportunity to 1 get to know one another and 2 facilitate our needs and 3?

You asked for me to be honest and tell you who I am, here goes;
I will share the first bit of intimacy by telling you my name. I am Melisa Ann Moore. I am the transsexual that set precedent in law for transgendered rights in divorce  proceedings. An activist for including the T in the LGBT. I have been featured in Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler magazines  as well as several more publications. I have appeared in USA national televisions on shows like the tonight show with Jay Leno, The Geraldo show as a expert panelist of transgender behavior, Maurey Povitch, the Playboy channel and other nationally syndicated shows. My radio interviews were conducted by Howard Sterns, Mancow Muller, and most the top rock radio talk show across the country. I have been in movies  such as Tim Burton's Mars attacks and  others. I was so to speak "the poster child" of a movement in social reform and equal rights for all. Why me? because I am articulate, made sense to middle class America and mostly because I am attractive to a society that appeals to the superficial. I am a goldfish that walked on land and talked to people and breathed I am now recluse and have jumped back in the water to swim free.

 From here I created Dollie, She is my representation of being an anonymous figure unscathed by the real world whos image can not changed. Dollie is eternal much like my plastic counterpart Barbie with a big difference: I Dollie live and breath. I feel emotions. I speak, I live.

Therefore my dear XXXXX whos flight has landed on target, fate has guided your aim. Our paths have crossed and we can share our mutual need an desiress. Please consider my proposition regarding my  building you a website for your attentions for my little girl Dollie. Heck I would have done it for yah anyhow given time and knowing each other better. I look forward to seeing your reply and garsh (toes kick heels of my mary janes) i think your real pretty so I sent yah the flowers too............

Dollie sissy
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 Dollie Sissy..... M.M.PRODUCTIONS
Source: Dollies Nursery
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