R Bottle time for Sissy Baby Sarah
My naughty little sissy had earned herself a day of complete babification - no cradled head at feeding time in my house - this pansy is exactly where she belongs ... on her knees! xxx
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Baby Puss
A sensible way, to feed a sissy baby. Sarah must be a messy baby, I see a very proper pink sissy bib. I hope Sissy baby Sarah, makes all gone for you Kay? I know when baby doesn't, it can be very irritating, and then must be corrected. 
I think Sarah can be very grateful, for that soft pillow? 
Very soon, you’ll be dealing with a soggy nappy. I wonder, what will come of that? 😄
@ Baby Puss
  Hiya Baby Puss! Thank you ever so much and very glad you approve honey. Good eye on the bib - it is a new addition and definitely appropriate as it's not only sissy pink but made of rubber. All sissy babies are filthy little beasts and revel in making dribbles (tho this one has a bad habit of leaving pathetic sticky ones in the front of her nappy!). I can tell you however that my pretty pansy did make her bottle all gone - damn good job or I might have found another hole in which to wedge it.
Yes, I am sure my Sarah was very glad of that soft pillow - I just hope she doesn't think she can have one strapped to her bare bottom too (definitely wishful thinking if so - lol).
Much love to you sweetie xxxxx
    MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss   xxx
sissy servant 737-829-633
i would love so much to be a guest in your play area.. but i live an ocean away.
@ sissy servant 737-829-633
  Hiya sissy servant! A little pansy that's eager to fall under my discipline ... why? what have you been up to? No matter, I'm sure you deserve a damn good caning for it. As for oceans then I can easily bet that there would still be one between us even if you were at my feet - namely the one swilling around in your nappy you dirty little baby!
Thank you very much darling - muah! xxxxx
    MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss   xxx
Just where she should be. Naughty baby Sarah. I hope she got a good spanking too. X
@ glasto
  Hiya Jen! Well said sweetie, a little pansy should always know her place. If her head is held higher than mine then she will very quickly find that the only part of her anatomy getting raised up will be her bare bottom! Speaking of which then fear not - my pretty little sissy was chained with her arms up, relieved of her nappy and treat to a damn good thrashing straight after din dins.
Thank you ever so much and kisses for you honey - muah! xxxxx
    MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss   xxx
does sarah sissyboots realise that complete babification is what is best for her?  Miss Kay, please see to it that sarah also gets to have a diaper rash, that may, Mistress, let sarah know that there is no escape from her baby episodes...  
permanently a sissybaby 
@ babygirlpansy
  Hiya Pansy! Well it's a lesson I drive in hard enough sweetie tho it is my observation that little sissies do not always learn - not a problem on my part, it is a lesson I am happy to teach but it may cause some worry for my naughty baby.
An interesting suggestion - thank you kindly honey. If it's of any conciliation then I can assure you that my Sarah has more than her fair share of soreness when it comes to her bare bottom. In fact I will instruct my nappied fairy to post up the photographs of the stripes she received once those rompers were up and nappy down.
Much love to you darling xxxxx
    MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss   xxx
A lovely pic of baby Sarah receiving her bottle and the stark reminder of what awaits badly-behaved sissies  hanging on the rack right behind Mistress Kay - a nice balance!
@ deedeesissy
  Hiya Deedee! Thank you so very much sweetie. Very nicely put indeed - of any little babies are expecting sweet nursery prints and cuddly critters on the walls then they are definitely in the wrong house! Tho I would add that it's less of a reminder and more a dead certainty that those particular hangings will be put to use - the only decision remaining is just how many of them and in what order.
Lots of love to you honey xxxxx
    MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss   xxx
What a lovely picture of a stern auntie and her cute baby. I hope you are going to be gentle with your baby Kay   
@ sissybabysamantha2
  Hiya Samantha! Thank you ever so much honey. Gentle you say ... hmm, hardly likely but that's not down to me now is it. The filthy little beast gets exactly what she deserves seeing as she brought all this on herself in the first place. Naughty girls that can't control themselves get put into nappies and baby panties but when they squeal like a little pansy during their much needed punishment then it's time for proper baby clothes - and whatever the hell I decide to do next.
love and kisses to you sweetie pie xxxxx
    MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss   xxx
lil sissie's Mummy
Good job training little Sarah, Kay You are the best and I'm sure Sarah is very happy on Her knees at Your feet
@ lil sissie's Mummy
  Hiya Cheryl! Quite the compliment from a lady that knows just how to treat her little baby, thank you so very much darling. Well I can only say that you must be right there - the amount of time that my pretty sissygirl spends on her knees whilst wearing baby clothes in front of me then she must truly want to be under my heel. Either way, it matters not - just so long as she does as she is told - and I have plenty of encouraging methods to ensure that.
Much love to you sweetie xxxxx
    MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss   xxx
Baby Butch
Perhaps Sarah wants to be a test model for those implements on the wall. *OUCH* Cute picture of both of you!
@ Baby Butch
  Hiya Butch! Well if she does then all she has to be is a test model on my patience and all her wishes will be granted ... in full!
Thank you ever so much my dear friend. Tho my Sarah was being demoted back to babyhood it was done in my own style as always and there are more pics to come. A feeding was definitely in order first seeing as we had acquired that lovely baby bib - all in pink rubber so perfect for the job (matches her baby panties nicely too - lol).
Lots of love to you darling xxxxx
    MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss   xxx
I hope she got a good spanking too. Sarah is a sissy baby girl that needs discipline. X 
@ glasto
  Hiya honey. You are most certainly correct on both counts there. My naughty little pansy is constantly in need of strict discipline - something I more then willing and able to supply. Oh yes, she was subjected to a proper good thrashing - with my 40" Judicial cane at that - and well deserved it was too. In fact I will instruct the naughty girl to post the pictures of not only her well striped bare bottom but other humiliations she was put through on this day too - they will be up later today. xxxxx
    MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss   xxx
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