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PG 13 Bad sissy
Me in my leggings before going to the mall
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Bad sissy  - Me in my leggings before going to the mall , leggings , Dolled Up Bad sissy  - Me in my leggings before going to the mall , leggings , Dolled Up
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 Today I learned another sissy lesson. She wanted me to go with her to meet some friends with her at the mall. I gladly agreed but she instructed me to wear my tutu. I pouted because it would be too feminine for me to wear at the mall so I asked to wear leggings instead thinking It would just be my normal black ones. She came out with these flowery leggings that just screams feminine. Since I didn’t feel ready to wear my leotard and tutu to the mall, I had to wear this outfit and get a bra fitting at Pink as punishment 
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