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Baby Jasmine
On the date:
May 2nd, 2019 ~ 11:03 am
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PG 13 Baby Doll Jamie
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Baby Doll Jamie, Fantasy , Adult Babies,Dominating Mistress Or Master,Wetting The Bed,Dolled Up,Diaper Lovers,Feminization,Hormones Baby Doll Jamie, Fantasy , Adult Babies,Dominating Mistress Or Master,Wetting The Bed,Dolled Up,Diaper Lovers,Feminization,Hormones
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 Ok i tried to make these caption friendly. The idea is you download the pics and caption them for me. The premise is i'm lying in a crib staring up at a mirror placed above the crib. I give permission to anyone who wishes to use my pics. I only ask that you use jamie or baby jamie in the captions.
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Baby Jasmine
Actually i shot the video for these pics with my smart phone secured above me.  one of my first shoots with my new mask .As i looked up at the camera it was quite a rush seeing myself as baby doll.
you look adorable :)  
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