R 327 - That Sweet First Meeting
Charles and Greg are forced to meet each other in their dresses. It’s then that their hearts take over and they confess their sissy instincts.
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 327 – That Sweet First Meeting                  by Prim


“Come along Charles. Don’t be shy. You’ve spoken to Greg over the phone, and this is his wife, Danielle.” Henrietta led her husband forward, in spite of his shyness, until the poor twenty year old, dithering in the deep petticoat frills of his primrose dress, found himself standing in front of his new sissy boyfriend.

It was the moment he had dreaded for three days, ever since that embarrassing zoom meeting when the two husbands had been made to introduce themselves to each other in their dresses. They also had to reveal how their panties were tented with erections from the intimacy of their conversation. Part of the shame was doing all this sweetheart stuff in front of their wives. Not only were the two women forming a hot relationship with each other, but they were loving humiliating their husbands. They had even enrolled them in a sissy-girl love group, and today was going to be a practice session for the two sissies.

“Hold your dress out to the sides, like little girls do so as to look as pretty as they can,” said Danielle, standing behind her husband Greg. She was delighted with how girlish he looked. His dress was in strawberry pink taffeta, widely skirted on a bed of fluffy petticoats, topped with a sweet bodice of white silk. She could tell his dress was affecting him sexually from the way he was tipping daintily from one of his high heeled Mary-Janes to the other in a flush of emotions.

“Well come on, Charles,” urged his wife. “You can’t visit Greg without talking to him. Tell him how nice he looks.”

Her husband shrank with shame. This was so embarrassing in front of Danielle. He knew he was colouring above his large sissy collar and he could feel the growing excitement in his cock. He had to speak. He had to tell Greg how delicious he looked. He bumbled his opening words.

“H-H-Hello Greg – darling. I - I love you wearing your dress with the pretty white bodice. Your face looks so sweet above that cute dress collar.” There, he had let his heart speak, but it filled him with shame. He squirmed with humiliation, his knees pressing and sliding across each other.

“And I love you in your dainty dress too,” responded his boyfriend. His voice became shy as he added: “And I like the way I can see your panties, darling. Ohhh! You’re excited, I can tell.”

Charles instinctively put his hands to his panties, clasping the excessively stiffened member through the panty silk. His emotions were so high he lost control of what he was saying. “I want to see your panties too, Greg. I want to touch them with mine. Can we kiss our dickie-knobs together – and hug each other in our dresses?”

It was the signal for both wives to ease their husbands together in a crush of petticoats and panties. What a success that zoom had been on Wednesday. Now the two of them were kissing each other, heading towards falling head over heels, and they would fit most beautifully into the sissy gatherings at the sissy sweethearts’ love group.


There are more than 1,000 Prim stories with pics like this at www.primspetticoatwendyhouse.com/feminization.htm

Source: primspetticoatwendyhouse.com
Gallery Images by AbbySweetness
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A lovely story I bet there was two pairs of very sticky panties  
@ sissybabysamantha2
  Thankyou Samantha. I'm sure there were.
Josie Dolly
I want to be someone's doll 
@ Josie Dolly
  That would be nice, Josie.
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