The TG series
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I just noticed that nobody has brought this up, and was wondering how many knew about it. The game is a Japanese adult RPG; it is in a series of three games. As the player; from what I've seen on youtube, it's more of a visual book that lets you make choices for the character, you're a chemistry student and not very popular. After an accident in the lab, you wake up and are a girl; your job is to adjust to life as a girl while trying to get back to your male self. Anyway, you get to be feminine, have a lot of sex, and be anime. It's an older game; but, it hasn't been mentioned that I know of, and figured that as a TG game (a possible audience) it deserves a spot on the forum.
-Sissy Kimi
"I sorta felt like a sissy"
Southern Belle----Poopy Princess
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I'm actually in the middle of playing the 4th game: X-Change Alternate Yin-Yang. It has nothing to do with the other three, aside from similar themes, but it is an excellent game.

As you say, it is a visual novel, where you make a select few choices for your character. The voice acting is well done, the story is fairly good (especially compared to much of the crap hentai games try to pass off), and the cg art is pleasant to the eye.

So yeah, I agree. Worth a mention, and a look for anyone interested in a game about suddenly becoming a girl.  
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